Come on, what's more exciting than an old fashioned prank-a-roo? Whether it's your friends, family, or coworkers, the look in their eyes makes it all worth the planning if done right. Creativity is key!
A True Cartist
Jim appears to be the fortunate victim today of a rogue re-decorator on the loose. The medium of art is post-it notes, no colors spared! Purple, blue, pink, yellow, orange, and more — who knew these options even existed at Office Max?

Seems unnecessary, but now there's a definite purpose for the products. While many of us do want to pimp our rides, it's an expensive experiment. This temporary paper job is just what the internet ordered. And not too sticky, at the end of the day. No damage done!
Read on to see the pranks and stunts putting Ashton Kutcher to shame, next!
Dude, Where's My Stuff
Duct tape seems to have endless applications for prank time. So versatile, really. Today, it looks like one roommate found an original concept to deal with a sloppy partner. Yes, tape was a key part of the idea!

It can be hard to live with other people. Many can relate, thinking back to roommate past. There's noise, there's clutter, and even unwelcome guests. But one thing at a time: Sick of the mess? Tape it all to the ceiling, and see what happens! Hopefully, the victim is tall enough to deal with the retrieval.
Final Notice
Hard work is the main ingredient for success. But not everyone is ready for the responsibility! Sometimes, the boss has tried everything. Calling, texting, threatening — and it just isn't enough. Abby, listen up!

Impossible to miss, this girl's friends and family are sure to see it even if she is still in bed with a hangover. There's no getting out of this, Abbz. Shape up, or ship out! DQ is not the place for games. It's the place for blizzards and Dilly bars. And possibly Orange Julius, depending on location.
J-E-L-L-O, It's Not Alive
Ah yes, the old stapler in a dome of jello trick. Not so delicious, not at all nutritious. When it's time for a jiggly snack, all sorts of objects might be lurking within. We've all been there. Or have we?

This office prankster has encased a crucial office supply in a green prison of goo. Sabotage at the stack o' documents level! That's no joke when it's time to join two pieces of paper together. Or even three! Perhaps it's time for a snack break — and interrogation session — with coworkers.
A Catty Move
It seems like cat people and dog people may never understand each other. Some researchers claim it may be an issue of extroversion vs. introversion. But still, so much hate exists toward the meow crowd. Are the stereotypes of crazy, lonely, and weird really fair?

Dog folks may not know what they're missing. Maybe they've never really given felines the chance they truly deserve. Some may have even pledged to boycott cats forever! Well, today's not that day. A full desk of visuals for consideration, it is. No hissing allowed!
Post-It Malone
Uh oh, looks like someone is a bit behind on all the office tasks here. It happens to the best of us, admittedly. Today, the manager decided to send a message. And one that couldn't be missed this time!

With so much multitasking on the job, sometimes work can just get scattered. In the worst case scenario, things can become disorganized beyond redemption. But today is not that day: These post-it notes provide incredible structure in pink, yellow, and blue. And the checkered design is just a luxury to look at!
Eye Hate You
The city has people with all sorts of sensibilities. Some are warmer, some are more private. But we all loathe strangers that stare on the bus. And weirdos on the subway? Can't stand them either!

Lucky for all of us besides the insane, a prankster has decided to get into a little sticker activism here. Slapping this right on the British 'tube', a declared penalty of 200 pounds is a warning to everyone. Who will enforce it? Nobody knows, but it's certainly a start!
Comforting Traditions
Wait a minute, did the cafe employees really put this sign up? Seems unlikely any barista was the culprit. Sadly, it will probably be a while before anyone figures out the source of all the exposure!

Service jobs can be stressful as it is, but just imagine showing up bright and early at 5am to be greeted by customers without bottoms! No pants, no shorts, full service? No, it's not dreamworld. It's not even a nudist nightmare. Just a fake holiday, imposed by a local prankster! Happy INP Day, everyone.
Toot Magic
Yes, the truth is out: Witches and wizards get gassy too. During the filming of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Snape and Dumbledore actually decided to cooperate for a mutual goal. It was a stinky one, as well!

Actors Michael Gambon and Alan Rickman snuck a fart machine into young Harry's sleeping bag. That's Daniel Radcliffe, for fans. This time, it wasn't the youngster pulling pranks on set. It was two old farts! Luckily, all three shared a sense of humor. The on-screen chemistry doesn't lie!
Crappy Times
Uh oh, what's this? Looks like a cruel trickster has done a little housekeeping with a focus on the toilet today. Sadly, this roll of material is sure to be unhelpful when the time comes to rip a strip. Doesn't seem cotton soft, but that's just a guess!

Surely there is an extra roll around — wait, has this mischievous maid hidden the rest of the stock, too? Confounding, astounding. Sympathies are in order for the soul cursed with this ultra-sticky tape. We all deserve the basics in the bathroom!
Something's Fishy
Something's stinky in the sinky. Pranking excludes no room, no person. Someone seems to have gone ahead with a surprise installation in the basin, and it looks smells a little fishy!

For aquatic collectors, it could be an interesting permanent bathroom feature. Talk about a conversation piece when guests come over! Sharing a passion is a great way to connect. But the practicality factor still remains. With no sink for hand washing, only the shower is nearby. Will everyone be willing to adjust? A full body refresher seems like overkill, just for a tinkle!
U Mad Bro?
Typing is a skill they used to formally teach in schools. It's a real necessity, honestly. This prank might actually take a while for the confused bro to figure out. Why are all the keys typing wrong today?

After you've rewired your brain to memorize the standard layout, it can be hard to adjust to any change. Without a doubt, there's a bit of anarchy going on here. People seem to function just fine on autopilot with the universal QWERTY set up, so why fix what ain't broken? Cold move, Mr. Pranky.
Don't Flatter Me, Fax
Imagine if all office equipment was so polite. Why, it might even be a delight to show up to work everyday! Killing with compliments, this machine seems to have a lot to say.

Nice hair, it blinks. Thanks, fax! But a darker thought remains. One day, the wrong employee could figure out how to reprogram all the machine text. Could be mischief, could be mayhem. The messages would be rude, even crude! But today, only nice hair? No need to complain to the boss on this one. That's hardly the worst that could happen!
Astro-naughty or Nice?
Who said space professionals don't have all the fun? No one here, that's for sure. NASA claims it has a mission to "broaden our knowledge of the solar system and the universe, develop new technologies, and expand human and robotic exploration capabilities." Oh really, NASA?

Looks like the employees have a little too much time on their hands down at the world's top space lab. Totally covered in aluminum, but non operational for flight? What a waste! This glam, galactic makeover isn't fooling anyone. Whatever car was here before, it's been upgraded to a non-rocket ship today.
Body Double Trouble
Actor and comedian Hannibal Buress is a busy guy these days. He in demand, and jet setting like never before. With such a busy career, it's hard to make it to the all the obligatory events he promises the studio. But where there's a will, there's a way!

When Hannibal wasn't in town for the premiere of Spiderman: Homecoming, he did what anyone would do: He sent a look-a-like to take his place. But not everyone was fooled, it seems. Was there a strong resemblance? Not really. Lookalike, you had one job!
One School, One Million Cups
Why, this is unexpected for a Monday morning. The poor janitor that will have to deal with this watery maze should get paid overtime for this gig. Pesky kids, yet again!

But upon closer examination, it's also impressive. Whoever laid this out in such an orderly manner should at least get a little extra credit. It doesn't look easy to pull off without a spill! Frankly, this level of dedication is unusual for students these days. Very few would take a break from Snapchat to pull something like this off!
Ozzy Awakens
Black Sabbath was a long time ago, and the legendary Ozzy Osbourne has been searching for new ways to thrill ever since. With no more bats to bite, and the finale of his old MTV reality show, what has he been up to?

Why, occasionally pranking fans! At Madame Tussaud's famous wax museum, Ozzy does have a replica there all the time. But one day, he decided to pose in its place. Could anyone tell the difference? A few guests were surprised when this statue started moving, that's for sure!
Tootin' Good Times
Well well, looks like a regular MacGyver has struck at the office. Combining an air duster and a cite lil' bike squeaker, this is one goofy contraption. Not to toot their own horn, but some might say this is very clever!

All that's needed now is an unsuspecting butt in need of a seat, and the game's on. Will coworkers falsely conclude flatulence is the culprit? Ideally, yes! But this one is bound to be louder than anything witnesses have experienced before. The truth will come out, after a few giggles. An ideal prank, if there ever was one!
Sneaking Snacks
We are what we eat, as they say. Some people really try to make healthy choices, with that in mind. But it looks like one clever kitchen worker has concealed the truth about lunch today. This trick is pretty sweet! Who would complain, short of diabetes?

Perhaps this can't even be called a prank. It's a treat! Unless the diner is a full-blown dieter, maybe — low carb, low sugar folks are in for an unwelcome surprise. Can't please everyone, especially at mealtime. But snackers will be delighted: Compliments to the chef!
So Eggcellent
What in the omelet is going on here? It looks like another duct tape trickster has struck again, and this time it involves jokes and yolks. Get that enemies list ready, folks: It's time for some high protein, low carb revenge!

Suspended in mid-air, things could get stinky if left for too long. Eau de rotten is rarely a crowd pleaser! Abstract art? Or room full of fart? Only time will tell. This is an egg-cellent prank no one will ever forget! Sunny side up has been done before, and it really lacked the laugh factor.
Too Much TP
Woah there, sometimes less is more! Clearly one of those cases, it's barely obvious what used to be in this space. Could it be a desk, or even a cubicle?

Some might not even be unhappy that the office is out of service for the day. But for those passionate about their work, it's a real bummer. What could have promoted this toilet paper takeover? Was someone in the office torturing everyone around them with the sniffles for a little too long? If they couldn't take a hint before, it will be hard to miss now!
Sculpt it Like Beckham
Soccer superman David Beckham is just as known for his handsome face as his fancy footwork. And when late night funnyman James Corden heard a lifetime achievement statue was being unveiled for the sportsman in LA, he knew he had to intervene. A bit of cheeky British prankery, there would be!

Collaborating with a designer, a new look was created for David. Hideously disfigured, it would test the player's modesty in front of friends and family during a private reveal. In all seriousness, the statue was presented! David tried to platy it cool, but he couldn't lie for long: Vain as it may be, he was enraged!
Pure Memo Hell
Look, it might be time to hire a second employee. With all these professional requests, a second head could only ease the pain. That would be the conventional wisdom, anyway.

Today is hardly conventional, of course! One trickster in the office decided to send a special message to Mr. Red Tie, seen here. It does seem he is starting to process the idea. But it's a lot to take in, and it's everywhere at once. Will he clear this task list by the end of the day? A rhetorical question!
Rubber Band Man
Office tricksters strike again! It appears the mischievous method involves lots o' stretch, too. Should anyone call in with routine requests, there's going to be a long ring time today.

Rubber band pranks are nothing new. But this is an innovation! Why stop at ten, when there's a bag of hundreds to play with? What may have started as a mild rubber attack has turned into a full-blown encasement, and this phone may be beyond recovery. Sad to see, but the deed is done. Luckily, it's kind of artistic at the right angle!
Saran Wrap Trap
Plastic wrap is a handy item to preserve food and cosmetics alike. Spoilage is such a waste, really! But vehicles have never been known to suffer from bio-degradation. What in the world is going on here?

This prank looks more than a bit suffocating. Hopefully, no one is inside! For now, at least this adorable bug is safe from dust and the plague that is bird poop. Flying creatures can expel whatever they want today: This no-muss-no-fuss cleanup is all set up, and ready to rip off. One, two, three — VW be free!
Extreme Desk Makeover
Everyone loves a good redecoration job. From Dress My Nest to Trading Spaces, cable TV is surviving on such shows these days. Still, this novel design looks like it wasn't what Sarah had in mind. The transformation is complete, but is it practical?

Well, there is an escape flap installed. That's good news: It's all up to fire codes. But there's plenty of bad news here, and it all comes down to one main problem: It's hideous. Time for a re-do, and an explanation! Who is the secret interior designer, and how can they be blacklisted from this office?
Ouch, Tom Brady
Tom Brady, in a full body cast? Say it ain't so! After 20 seasons with the New England Patriots, and six superbowl wins, this is not how things were supposed to play out. Why, he just started a new gig with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers!

Fans were pleased to find out that this was only an April Fool's joke. And wife Gisele Bündchen, too! The mischievous quarterback merely superimposed his face on someone else stuck in the hospital. And then he got Michael Jordan's digital signature to sign the cast! Nice Photoshop, Tom.
9,999 Luftballons
Balloons can certainly be festive, but an excess of anything can be intimidating. A prime example? This room, right here. Most of the room has disappeared! Was it someone's birthday at the office, perhaps?

It looks like quite the celebration. But the room is totally crowded, and people need to stretch out by lunch time. Time to start stabbing with a pen, if there's any hope at all of getting out of this mess: Pop, pop, don't stop! Moderation is a good rule for life, and that includes inflatables at work.
Candy Land
Opening up this box in the garage, one man asked himself: Is this really the time for Swedish Fish? Trick question, it always is.

Still, when dad needed to get out the tools for a little fix-a-doodle around the house, it looks like he got a sweet surprise. Literally, candy! Worse things have been found in musty old boxes, to be fair. This isn't traumatizing, and perhaps it was funny at first. Still, sometimes a man really needs a tool! Where are the screws and nails? Where's the hammer? At least the exacto-knife, please!
Don't Be a Sucker
As crazy as it may sound, someone has finally accomplished the impossible: Way too many lollies for one person. This April Fools Joke looks equally satisfying for pun fans and sugar addicts alike!

If only all pranks were this delicious. A tootsie pop and plenty of dumdums are sure to please everyone! Looks like there might even be a bubble gum sucker in there. The question is, how many licks does it take to finish off all these treats? The world may never know, as the classic tootsie slogan goes.
Safe Spaces
Why, it appears that someone has hung their friend's bike in a super-secure place. High in the sky, thieves are at a disadvantage at the moment. A little creativity is necessary to thwart them day after day!

But is this really the solution? It's hard to imagine that this is convenient for the rider, either. It's not totally clear this helps. More than likely, it's a prank! Who is the culprit? The statue knows the truth. But stoney, as always, it's going to be hard to get a witness ID for this one.
Seeds of Love
Plants have been proven to lift employee spirits in the office. It's all about that vibe, man! But today, that positive psychology will be nowhere to be found. These sprouts are just in the way, nothing more!

This prank is not for the instant gratification crowd. It requires patience, but the payoff is worth it! Best right before a vacation period, this one is sure to bloom into a few laughs. While two weeks of grow may ruin the equipment, no one ever said becoming king of the office was easy!
Don't Bite Me, Bro
Teenagers and vampires seem to be a reoccurring theme, decade after decade. Brad Pitt's Interview With A Vampire is still a cult classic. Buffy the Vampire Slayer was hands down, must-see TV at one point. Now, there's more. There always is!

Still, everyone knows that one person who is just a little bit too obsessed with the Twilight series. Why not show them everyone knows their secret passion, at work? The truth is nothing to hide from, after all. It's time to own the obsession! Hopefully, no one will bite.
Kidnapped or Kidding?
Hoax time, everyone. One California kid decided to stick this notice on the back window while mom was driving. Was she aware this was going on? Of course not!

Troopers prepared for a "high-risk enforcement stop." But the lil' trickster had made it all up as a joke! Six units from Sacramento were diverted to this false alarm, shockingly. Police felt this one was no laughing matter, and it's not hard to see why. A future Ashton Kutcher, perhaps! But a present nuisance to law enforcement, friends, and family.
Thanks for the Warning
With so much construction these days, just walking around in public can be a hazard sometimes. Where would the people be without clear information like this? Totally dry, that's where!

Wet paint is no fun to find out about the hard way. Freshly lacquered park benches are the worst, usually! At first glance, it might seem like there is a good reason to stay far away from this wall. But no, no. It's all ready for plenty of leaning, touching, and even rubbing. Don't be shy: It's all quite dry!