The now 82-year-old American singer Dionne Warwick is said to have scolded rappers Snoop Dogg and Tupac Shakur, among others, in the 1990s because of the anti-woman lyrics in their rap songs. This is according to the new documentary about Warwick's life.

The singer allegedly asked several rappers to come to her home early in the morning to talk. Snoop Dogg told this in the documentary Dionne Warwick: Don't Make Me Over, recently released by the news channel CNN.
According to the rapper, Warwick allegedly told her guests to call her a "bitch" to her face. She stressed that the rappers did feel comfortable talking about women that way in their songs.
Warwick herself says in the documentary, "These kids are expressing themselves. They have a right to do that. But there's a way to do that."

To the rappers, she allegedly went on to say. "You're going to have kids, including girls, and one day that little girl will look at you and say, 'Daddy, did you really say that? Is that really you?' What are you going to say then?"
Snoop Dogg confesses in the documentary that that day Warwick made him think. He said that from that moment on, he began to make different choices in his music career. "Dionne, I hope I became the gem you saw when I was the little, dirty rock that was at your house," the rapper said. "I hope I make you proud."