Falling in love is easy when you get caught in a whirlwind romance or a summer fling. The hard part is staying in love and choosing to be with each other after the honeymoon stage is over. Some people prefer to go on adventures together or grow with each other, while others choose to annoy the heck out of each other by playing endless pranks.

Some people take pranking too far, but we’ve left these excessive couples off our list. Below, you will find some of the cutest, funniest, and most subtly annoying pranks couples play on each other. After being put through these sorts of hilarious frustrations, you would know for sure if you were meant to be together.
Look What I Did
Most couples who fall hard for each other go through a honeymoon phase where they cannot stop looking at each other in a googly-eyed manner. After that time has passed, however, some would rather annoy each other, using googly eyes to pass the time.

A wife decided to put googly eyes on items in their fridge to reminisce about the earlier days of their relationship. These items seem to have characters of their own. Those take-out boxes look cute, but the milk carton is positively adorable. What are you looking at?
You Give Me a Warm Toasty Feeling
When in love, you get that warm fuzzy feeling when near your significant other. However, we do not think this is what this woman meant when she asked her husband to make the bathroom toasty for her. He thought it to be hilarious to take the request literally.

It must have taken him a long time, so we do appreciate his dedication. He really made sure the bread was toasted to perfection. The wife of the prankster thought it was a funny joke and a light-hearted one. This is when you know love will last.
Growing Old With You (in a Weird Way)
Dads are famous for their weird sense of humor, and their kids usually cringe when the dad jokes come out. With this one, we are on the fence because his take on growing old with his family is certainly unique.

The family’s relatives were in for a shock the day they got their yearly Christmas cards. The relatives were treated to a Benjamin Button-inspired holiday card from the family. The baby’s face on the dad looks so funny that you have to praise the dad’s innovation.
Die Hard Laughing
This time, the wife had a go at pranking her husband with something more familiar. She must have known that her husband is a fan of the movie Die Hard, starring Bruce Willis. Admittedly this prank is a little freaky until the iconic picture is revealed.

The husband thought an intruder was peeking out of their vents until the picture of Bruce was found, and both of them had a good laugh about it. The idea was to have him concerned that someone was emerging from the vents like the movie.
What a Joke
When women wanted equality, this was certainly not what they were talking about. A husband can prepare a meal for his wife and not make a fuss about it, but this guy had to make it memorable and let her know he does things his own way.

When the woman asked her husband for a peanut butter sandwich cut in half, this is what he gave her – a sandwich cut into a puzzle fitting perfectly with each other almost to say that you are my better half and I love you. It seems that this husband knows how to make a sweet sandwich.
Something Smells Funny
Air fresheners are common around the house, creating a relaxing environment with their pleasant aromas. After a long day, you just want a serene place to relax and a room smelling of lavender and chamomile tea. This dad had a different idea.

This prankster of a dad turned his family’s air freshener into a dinosaur that spits out amazing scents. Fans of Jurassic Park will understand how creepy it is when this air freshener dispenses its aroma into the air.
Chewy Never Stood a Chance
If you are a Star Wars fan, then you know the loveable character Chewy. He is the furry sidekick of Han Solo, who speaks a different and oh so distinct language native to Kashyyyk. Han Solo might have understood him, but this wife does not, and it left her confused when her husband played a trick on her.

Unbeknownst to his ex-wife, this husband put out fliers for a contest. The challenge was for contestants to call her phone and give off a Chewbacca roar. The contest offered a $100 reward to the person who could give the most impressive roar. As you can probably imagine, his ex-wife was not impressed.
All That Glitters Isn't Gold
This husband must be pretty confident in the relationship because he certainly tested it with this tacky prank. His wife thought that she was getting an extraordinary gift, but her husband had other ideas.

She opened the box thinking it was a ring, but when she pulled it out of the packaging, this mug came along with it. Not all that glitters is gold, and this sure wasn’t. The idea was not that funny to begin with, and his wife did not receive the joke well. Good luck smoothing that over!
Dishes Done?
Nobody likes doing the dishes, and sometimes you just don’t have the energy, even if it’s your turn. This husband hates dishwashing so much he would rather photoshop a clean sink to trick his wife into being happy with him.

This guy must have a background in design because he captured the edges of the sink flawlessly. This might have passed if only he’d made the printout large enough to fully cover the dishes. The wife was not so pleased after learning the truth.
The Wrong Coach
Husbands know how to make their wives happy, but when it comes to husbands staying happy, it seems to come at the wife’s expense. This lady asked her husband for a Coach bag for her special day, and he took the request a little too literally.

Instead of shelling out huge amounts of money for a designer bag for his wife, this smart guy went off and decided to make a custom tote bag for her. The tote bag has a coach printed on it and a black strap. The couple and their child had a good laugh about it.
Take Just a Bite
Couples often share food, so when this husband asked for a bite of his wife’s ice cream, she didn’t hesitate to hand him the cone. However, he did her dirty by taking a bite of the wrong end of the ice cream cone, leaving her clamoring to finish it before it melted into their rug.

This prank was revenge for her habit of stealing fries from his plate. He stewed over it for a while and then took the chance when he got it. The wife was understandably a little annoyed at the prank – just as he was with her when she took his fries.
Sweet Heart
When it comes to showing affection, sometimes it’s the thought that counts. This is a picture of one man’s attempt to make a heart-shaped pancake for his wife. It was supposed to be sweet – figuratively and literally – but unfortunately, it did not turn out so well.

The husband meant well when he tried to make a sweet treat for the missus. Unfortunately, the pancake resembled more of an anatomically correct heart instead of a stylized love heart. Thankfully, it was still appreciated by his wife.
Cut It Out
Some might recognize this picture from a Youtuber named Jesse, who is famous for pranking his partner, Jeanna. In this picture from an uploaded video, the Youtuber appears to have cut off his partner’s precious locks.

Her immediate reaction was one of horror and shock. Jeanna was about to burst into tears (as anyone would), but Jesse revealed it was a prank and that the hair he was holding was only a set of extensions that looked similar to her hair. The couple made up after.
Their Love is “Plane” to See
Looking for a gift for your significant other can be tedious, but when it comes to men, their desires are often simple. This guy was one of those simple men who only wanted a “plain tie” for that special occasion. That seems easy enough, but his partner had a punny idea.

She was fortunate enough that a local shop owner had the same sense of humor, so when her husband asked for a “plain tie,” she gave him a “plane tie” instead. Thankfully, the man shared his wife’s sense of humor. They both had a good laugh about it, and he greatly appreciated her effort.
Eternal Love?
This girl had the brilliant idea of pranking her boyfriend and waited till he was the most vulnerable. He was fast asleep when she placed a butterfly tattoo on the back of his neck. The tattoo was temporary, of course, because the sting of a real one would have woken him up.

After revealing the good-natured prank on her boyfriend, the two had a good laugh, and he even went around his office with it on so he could prank his office mates as well. He told the funny story of his girlfriend’s prank, and they all had a good laugh.
Congratulations – It’s Official
A couple can take their time getting to know each other, but they know they’re really in love when they can show their not-so-attractive side and still feel safe in the relationship. This guy decided to celebrate the moment when his girlfriend farted in front of him for the first time.

He took it as a sign that she was comfortable enough to show him that side of her, and he even made her a cake for the momentous occasion! When you love someone, you should accept everything about that person – farts and all.
Escaping a Hairy Situation
It is not vanity to want to get rid of unwanted hair growth, and this is precisely what this wife wanted for Christmas. She asked her husband for a laser hair removal package for Christmas, but this is what he gave her instead.

Her silly husband took things literally and gave her something she no one could use. He knew the laser removal would cost him a pretty penny, so instead of giving her the package she asked for, he made a makeshift laser shaver.
Disappearing Reflection
When it comes to fixing and installing things inside the house, you can usually rely on the husband to do the heavy work like installing a mirror. Problems will arise, however, if your husband has a weird sense of humor.

This guy did his best to install the mirror high up on the wall so that his wife could no longer see her reflection in it. At least she can see how her hair looks from the top. The joke’s on him as he has to redo the installation sooner or later.
Say Cheese!
This is not what the wife had in mind when she said that she wanted to capture the moment. The couple agreed that they wanted to get a picture of the moment their child was brought out to the world, but the angle of the shot just did not work.

The excited dad-to-be can be seen sporting a huge smile in this photo, which is opposite to what his wife is showing in the same picture. He sure loves his profile in this picture, but his wife probably won’t want to keep this one in the family album.
Weighing in on Things
It is a thoughtful gesture to accompany your better half to the doctor for a routine check-up. With the right attitude, an otherwise mundane activity can turn into a bag of laughs. You just need to know how to have a little fun. This husband had the right idea.

The wife was instructed to step on the scale to record her measurements, but her prankster husband decided to spice things up. She did not notice that his foot was on the scale too, making her appear heavier than she actually is.
Mmmmm…. Chocolates!
Women have different cravings from time to time that can sometimes only be satisfied by a good munch on their favorite sweet or salty food. Hormones especially contribute to these cravings, and you can not argue with a pregnant woman who wants chocolates!

This woman asked her partner to pick up her favorite Fudge Rounds in the store. He had them waiting on the bench for her when she got home, but when she opened the box, all she found was this sinister note. It looks like he’ll have to take another trip to the store.
A Bigger Pillow
When you want to express affection for someone, gifts are an easy way to show how much you care. Giving someone something they’ve always wanted is the best approach. However, this man took things a little too far when his wife mentioned that she’d like a bigger pillow.

He gave his wife the largest pillow he could find. As you can see, it not only fits her head but her whole body too! This thing is so huge it’s probably going to get more use as a blanket than a pillow.
Pasta Aldente
Older couples have a habit of annoying each other from time to time. It is a test of their relationship, and this couple’s relationship was definitely tested when the wife came home to find this pasta on the stove – a phrase that might sound different in your head.

She asked her husband to “put the pasta on the stove” as she was working late that night. She came home starving, dreaming of a warm bowl of pasta but instead found this. Well, he did say that the pasta was on the stove, so technically, he wasn’t lying.
Breakfast in Bed?
Cooking breakfast for your partner is the sweetest gesture, but this husband got a little too creative in making his wife breakfast. She asked him for french toast and was excited to get the whole shebang.

This is what the prankster did for his wife. He served up a piping hot French toast that looks like it belongs in a doll’s house. He should have gone the extra mile and served it up with some berries, maple syrup, and some orange juice too.
Rolling in Fun
Who knew that you could have fun with toilet paper, even when it’s not Halloween. This husband had the right idea when he was asked by his wife to stack up the toilet paper in the bathroom. He took it as a personal challenge and made a fun game out of it.

The rule of the game is that you have to remove one roll of toilet paper at a time without tumbling over the whole tower. Before you can go number two, you have to play a little game thanks to the dad who had this brilliant idea.
The Case of the Missing Shoes
Girlfriends are used to wearing their boyfriend’s stuff – old baggy sweaters, jackets, and hoodies are so much cozier when they belong to the one you love. We rarely see it the other way around. This guy probably is for gender equality as he is trying to normalize the equal swapping of stuff.

His girlfriend told him that she had left her shoes in his apartment, and without hesitation, he put on her shoes and took a quick snap to send to her. It’s a good thing that they share the same shoe size, or he might have ruined her shoes.
Who Peed on the Floor?
Some people would do anything to get out of chores, and this guy used his creativity to achieve that end. His wife asked him to do some work around the house, and he let her know that he cleaned up a mess on the floor so she wouldn’t have to do it.

Seeing an old decorative letter P, he took a picture of it on the floor and then informed her that he had done the unpleasant job of cleaning it up. We will give him points for creativity on this one, and his family enjoyed the joke as well.
Strike a Pose
Guys tend to approach selfies differently from girls, and these lads decided to make these differences clear by imitating their girlfriends in a social media post. The girls asked for a picture of them when they were having a boys’ night out. This was the result.

These best friends decided to make a parody of how girls would take a picture if it were a girls’ night. They even came up with makeshift midriff tops, which we think is hilarious. The girls had a good laugh at the picture and saved it for leverage someday.
Naughty Cowboy
This Woody toy has eyes that suggest he is up to something a little suspicious. A husband saw an opportunity and ran with it. He hid this odd doll in their bathroom, hoping it would scare his wife.

He hid the “peeping tom” Woody behind her shampoo and conditioner bottles and waited patiently for their eyes to meet. This is a little freaky, but it’s all in the name of having fun and annoying your partner. We hope she does not get too freaked out.
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
This couple had a few extra cardboard boxes lying around the house from their last big appliance shopping trip. She just wanted to get rid of it all, but he had a different plan. His Star Wars fanboy side kicked in, and he made a fun alternative.

Instead of throwing away the cardboard and adding it to the pile of garbage accumulated in dumpsites, he saw an opportunity to express his creativity. He made an X-Wing ship and had a whole lot of fun building the thing. We hope he gets to keep it.
Wrapped with Love
This guy has no idea how to wrap a gift. What he does know is that with enough tape, you can fix anything. The box contained a beautiful necklace for his wife, but he wanted her to work for it. This was the result.

She almost gave up as this packing tape was not easy to remove. He had his fun seeing her work for it, knowing what was inside and how much she would love it. When she finally got to the gift, everything was forgiven, and she was grateful.
Shades of Gray
There was a time when the book 50 shades of Grey was wildly popular among the housewives of the world. It was, incidentally, the time that this couple was choosing the color palette for their house makeover, and the husband saw an opportunity to annoy his wife.

She mentioned that she wanted him to get her 50 Shades of Grey. She did not expect that he would come through in a different way. He brought her 50 shades of gray paint swatches from the hardware store. Needless to say, she wasn’t impressed.
Leaving Notes for Each Other
This wife has a different sense of humor. She loves to leave her hubby notes and sweet nothings, but this one came with a twist. He started off the day like any other, but this time he saw a note hidden in his shoes asking him to look under her pillow.

Expecting another sweet note under the pillow, he was shocked to be hit with this hilarious but adorable prank. What a sweet and odd gesture. This couple must have the same sense of humor to be able to stand each other this long.
Topsy Turvy Day
Imagine waking up to a house where everything is turned upside down. This would certainly wake you up and make you feel a little bit confused as to what is happening. Judging by his facial expression, the prank was a huge success.

She must have woken up early and moved extra stealthily to ensure she didn’t wake her husband while turning the whole house upside down to get this prank done. We hope she enjoyed the look on her husband's face, and we hope it was worth all that work!
Diamond Are a Girl’s Best Friend
Diamonds are a girl’s best friend, and they are also a good way to flaunt your wealth. This woman asked her husband for a diamond necklace, but his values were different from hers. This is what he got her.

This gamer thought a Minecraft diamond necklace would be just as thrilling as the real deal. However, we’ve never heard of a woman pining for anything related to Minecraft. We are not exactly sure how she took this, but we wish him all the best.
Bugging Each Other
Long-term couples know exactly how to push each other’s buttons, and this wife must have known that her husband had a thing for creepy crawlies. She got a plastic cockroach and placed it inside the lamp so it created the illusion that a real critter was trapped inside.

She watched him scream in horror when he discovered the huge bug in their lamp. She was in stitches by the time she revealed that it was not real and that she was just having fun (at his expense) – props to her for a creative prank.
Good Clean Fun
Women are particular with their hair care products. Most ladies are very careful about what they put on their skin. It takes time to find the right products – ones that do what they say on the label and suit our skin type. So, when we find that agreeable product, we take care of it.

This husband does not seem to know how loyal we are to our products and thought it would be funny to play a game with his wife’s shampoo. He scratched off the letters on her Neutrogena bottle, only leaving the “poo” in almost every sentence. Very funny.
Lovin That CupcakeTop
Everyone wants the good part of a cupcake – the glorious top. The bottom part of the cupcake is like the crust of the pizza – no one really cares for it. This husband took cupcake love too far when he decided that he should have all the good parts for himself.

He ate all the cupcake tops! His wife got to the box of cupcakes after they were all missing the best part. This husband must have had a huge sweet tooth because he did not even spare one for his wife.
Dinner Is Served
His wife was craving a healthy meal, and he knew just what she wanted – fish and salad. He gave her precisely what she asked for, but not in the way she expected. The couple must have had the same sense of humor as both enjoyed the prank.

After a jolly old time with this “meal,” the two shared a real fish dinner that actually nourished their bodies. From time to time, it is okay to poke fun at each other to keep the relationship lively.
A Dare Gone Wrong
Couples try to push each other’s buttons from time to time and play tricks with each other to keep the relationship interesting. This guy dared his girlfriend to shave his legs while he was sleeping without him noticing.

His girlfriend was not about to back out of the dare and took it as a personal challenge to do so. She did such a great job with the dare that she even took the liberty of painting his nails without him noticing it. Pink looks great on him.