Couple Has Unbelievable Encounter With A Group Of Wild Cats

While driving along a snowy roadway in Canada, Leona and Ron Klassen stumbled upon a scene they won’t forget soon.

There, in the winter landscape just off the road, were five gorgeous lynx out for a stroll.

The couple had to pull over for a better look.

“We were stunned. Neither of us had ever seen a lynx, never mind five in a group.”

The notoriously elusive cats seemed unbothered as Klassen began taking photos of them.

“They were quiet and calm. They knew we were there but didn’t seem to mind at all.”

Leona and Ron watched as the lynx moved gracefully across the snowy landscape — getting an up-close look at the dynamics of their family group.

"When the mother stopped, they all stopped. And when she moved, the rest followed," Leona said. "The mom was majestic, regal almost. She took my breath away!"

Before long, the breathtaking encounter drew to a close as the wild cats crossed the road and continued on.

The sighting of the lynx was fleeting, but for the lucky couple, this memory is one they'll cherish forever.

"It truly was a once-in-a-lifetime encounter that neither Ron nor I will ever forget!" Leona said.