In modern times, most couples are pretty close in age. Surveys show that in Western nations, only about 8% of marriages have a large age gap of ten years and up. When it happens, it's almost always older husband-younger wife. Surprise, surprise!
Accused of Daddy Issues
A shocking pair that doesn't care: One American couple with a 29-year age gap admits they are constantly mistaken for father and daughter. The disapproving looks from strangers don't matter to them, though. In fact, they say they are happier than ever!

Meet 23-year-old Kayla Caudill, a model and receptionist from Macon, Georgia. She found her her partner, 51-year-old Stephen Dunn, when she was getting her belly button pierced at the shop where he worked. Sparks flew, and their journey began!
Next, see the controversial, ageless love that sparked a public backlash!
Emotionally Unavailable
Way back in 2019, destiny unfolded. At the piercing shop, the two engaged in conversation. Quickly, a friendship formed between them!

At the time, both were in serious relationships: Stephen was living with the mother of his children, while Kayla was married to another man. But soon, that would all change!
You've Got a Friend in Me
Kayla and Stephen kept their relationship “strictly friendship” at first. Obviously, that was the right thing to do. Neither of them were in a position to pursue anything romantic!

But spending time together revealed that they had a common secret they needed to admit. What was going on in their lives?
Love in a Hopeless Place
Sure, it might seem like two adults with a generational gap would have little in common. Au contraire, there is always an exception to the rule!

The more they talked, the more they realized how unhappy they were in their relationships. And the more time they spent with each other, the more they realized how right it felt between them!
Baby Love, Oh Baby Love
It didn’t take long before that friendship blossomed into romance. A month after they first met, both Kayla and Stephen decided to end things with their partners so they could be together. Shocking stuff!

Yes, it felt good in the moment. But many regrettable deciosn do! But was that impuslive choice a smart one?
Mad About You
Kayla says she realizes that her decision to leave her ex was crazy. Abandoning everything they had built was a big move, honestly!

At the end of the day, though, Stephen had everything she wanted in a partner. Despite her youth, she knew she had to be with him. But was this love, or lust at first sight?
Deeper and Deeper
As it turns out, neither. Kayla insists there was no denying their connection, and they clicked almost instantly. But their real feelings for each other grew deeper over time.

What were the qualities that attracted her to this much older man? Friends and family were puzzled, as was most of society. Was he wealthy, or famous?
Character Counts
Kayla thought Stephen was handsome, charismatic, and attentive. Good qualities, to be sure! Stephen had his own reasons to admire the younger woman, besides what people might assume.

He thought Kayla was kind, and he liked how she listened intently when he spoke. Perhaps he felt that was missing in his life!
Against All Odds
But even if two people see good qualities in each other, it's tough. A vast age gap can mean big problems!

According to Kayla, this relationship is special. Both found a chance to experience what love is supposed to be like: They make each other laugh, and they help each other heal from their past trauma. But aren't there challenges?
To Know Him Is to Love Him
Kayla admits there is a gap in maturity between herself and Stephen. She says she doesn’t have as much life experience, which isn't a shocker!

But she doesn't see that as a bad thing, since he teaches her about life. It's a benefit, not a problem! But does she really know what she is giving up, here?
Just an Old Soul
Kayla believes she is quite mature for her age. She has gone so far as to call herself a “43-year-old in a 23-year-old’s body.”

She says that they wouldn't be able to make it work if she acted her age. But do people in her life agree that she is as mature as she thinks?
Sad Consequences
Kayla says her relationship with Stephen has definitely raised a few eyebrows in their respective families. How could it not, really?

Kayla’s biological father actually disowned her when he found out about the relationship! And on Stephen’s end, his ex was adamant about not wanting Kayla to be involved with his children. Not exactly smooth sailing, outside their bubble!
Critics Weigh In
Stephen’s family really struggles to understand his life choices. Kayla says some members of her family have been a little more accepting than her dad. But it's not easy for either of them!

If they have a future together, it would be ideal to resolve these tensions. How does Kayla see herself, in the big picture?
Future Fantasies
Kayla hasn’t given up hope that she will someday spend more time with Stephen’s children. They are clearly a big part of his life, and so is she!

But in the meantime, the couple faces a lack of acceptance even going out to eat. How are they handling the looks and whispers?
Glares and Gossip
Kayla admits that dealing with other people has been difficult, almost without exception. They get stared at a lot out in public, and Stephen often gets asked if Kayla is his daughter. Yikes!

Obviously, she is not. But based on social norms, romance is never anyone's first assumption. What's their approach to dealing with the stigma?
Live, Love, Laugh
Kayla and Stephen both understand that there are people who may not understand their decision to be together. It is unusual, after all!

Ultimately, they do not base their choices on what others believe. They both know they are where they want to be, and it's a free country — isn't it?
Laughing it Off
Sure, the stares and bewildered looks were unsettling at first. But these days, they think it’s funny to see the confusion on other people’s faces!

According to Kayla: “It’s like comedic relief for us." Has that change of mindset helped them enjoy life more, out and about?
That Lovin' Feelin'
Kayla says that she noticed that the longer they are together, the more positive recognition they receive.

People around them have started to realize they are like any couple who love and care for each other. But it hasn't been easy to keep friends! Why not, if people accept them?
Alone, Together
Kayla admits they’ve been finding it difficult to connect with other couples. They're both friendly enough — but there is a new gap!

This time, it's the gap of experience. Couples without similar challenges are not so relatable! What are they focusing on, instead?
Ready to Grow
Right now, Kayla says she and Stephen are fully committed to working on their relationship. They want it to grow into the strongest it can be!

Many couples say that, of course. But what are Kayla and Stephen doing to make that goal a reality?
Me Before We
This unusual couple is trying out some pretty common tips. They are working towards self-improvement, which relationship experts always endorse!

Being strong separately is just as important as being strong together. It's essential for a healthy and loving relationship! What are their other goals, moving forward?
Day By Day
Normally, couples are excited about the prospect of starting a family. But this doesn’t seem to be a focus for Kayla or Stephen!

And marriage? As for permanent commitment, Kayla says: “Who knows?” Something else matters more, it turns out.
The Power of Now
For now, Kayla says that what matters to them more than anything is the present. Living in the moment seems to be working out, for now!

Both say they get to enjoy each day that they have with each other. But is that really the wise approach to life?
Free to Be You and Me
Early 20's Kayla thinks everyone has the right to love who they want to love. She says people should forget about what society thinks is normal!

Many people feel they should be free to be with anyone who truly makes them happy. But is 51-year-old Stephen the real deal, and her final chapter in love?
That's Amore
For now, Kayla has advice for anyone in a similar situation: “Love hard, love relentlessly, and dare to be different.”

Stephen certainly is a different choice, all things considered. But will this unconventional love really last? Only time will tell!