Can You Find The Teeny, Tiny Lizard In This Picture?

Karen Mora Wood was at a McDonald’s drive-through in Tampa, Florida for a quick bite. She was waiting in line when she looked down — and saw that someone else was waiting in the drive-through lane, too.

The lizard was so tiny that it would be hard to see, but Wood noticed her right away. Even though she sees lizards all the time, she was still excited that she spotted her down there and decided to take a quick snap.

“I have lots of Cuban brown anoles around my home, and they are a very common lizard in Tampa,” Wood told The Dodo. “This one is a small female.”

As Wood leaned in to take the photo, the lizard paid no attention to her. She was completely unfazed by Wood and her SUV and held her position as Wood pulled away to the pay window.

Since Wood was taking the photo from her car, she wasn’t able to get the best shot, and the tiny lizard appears even tinier and harder to see among all the rocks in the photo. Wood thought the photo was amusing and decided to post it on Facebook — and it quickly became everyone’s new favorite “Can you spot the hidden animal?” photo.

“I'm shocked at how many people have liked and responded to the photo,” Wood said. “I'd say about 40 percent seem to have actually located the lizard on their own.”

The tiny lizard is definitely difficult to find at first, but once she’s found, she can’t be unseen.

All Wood was trying to do was take a cute shot of a tiny lizard at a McDonald’s drive-through. Instead, she ended up bringing people lots of joy and frustrating fun as they tried to find the sneaky little lizard.