As you’ll sea (sorry, see) below, boat names provide sailors with a great opportunity to show off their creativity. For some reason, that creativity usually comes in the form of clever puns and nautical names that have more than one meaning. If you’re knot shore (sorry, not sure) what we mean, have a look at the musical name below.

High C’s means the open ocean and a great note on the trumpet. Why sailors are so good at puns is a mystery as baffling as the Bermuda triangle. It might have something to do with passing the time while being bored out at see (sorry, sea). Or, maybe it’s becuase all sailors are aspiring writers. Although the exact reason is hard to pin down, it’s easy to appreciate. So, let’s appreciate it with 39 clever boat names.
Thrash Metal Mariner
From the 1980s until a few years ago, the thrash metal band Slayer has been a huge success. Their 1986 album Reign in Blood is regarded as one of the best around. Alongside heavy music, they’re known for the signature typography for the word “Slayer.” Well, the boat owner below took influence from that to create a truly clever name.

The mariner spelled “sailor” as “saylor.” This homophone – the same sounding word with two different spellings – shows that we might be dealing with a thrash metal mariner.
Pugs on a Pugboat
Tugboats are incredibly useful and powerful little vessels that can push or pull massive boats away from danger. Pugs are cute little dogs that, so far as we know, can’t push or pull boats. So, what happens when you combine both? Well, you get a pugboat, of course.

Not only is it a clever name for a boat, it’s also backed up with a crew of eight pugs! It looks like a party, we just wonder if any of them know how to properly start the engine and sail off into the open sea.
Nerdy Boat
Computer programmers are usually seen as those who love the land. They want to stay in their climate-controlled office and plug away at making websites, apps, databases, and more. It’s pretty much the exact opposite of mariners who love the wind and the open sea.

However, the boat above shows they have quite a bit in common. The name “Error 404, Fish Not Found” is a reworking of the classic (and frustrating) “Error 404 Not Found” that many computer users encounter. We just hope they can fix the error and find fish.
Fish and Chicks
Fish and Chips is a classic seafood dish comprising some fried fish, french fries (or “chips” outside the US), and some tartar sauce. Even if you’re not a boater, you can enjoy this delicious plate.

The boater below – who clearly enjoys the plate – had a little fun with it to celebrate something else: women. Fish and Chips became “Fish and Chicks.” Well, to be more accurate “Fish and Chicks 2.” Does that mean the boat owners are a few women who enjoy eating fish?
Goodbye Boat
The world is full of fun and clever ways to say hello and goodbye. These range from the formal “Good Morning” to the informal “see ya later.” The couple below took the second option and made it far more boat-friendly. Or, to be more accurately, sea friendly.

The result is “Sea Ya.” We give two thumbs up for the simple but appropriate pun. Although it looks like the boat is coasting around a lake, the pun “Lake Ya” just doesn’t have the same ring as “Sea Ya.”
At Sea
The “Error 404 Fish Not Found” boat above may have found a partner in punning crime with the boat below. Both share a love of computer lingo. For this next boat, it’s the symbol “@.” The mariner cleverly called the boat “@C” standing for “at sea.”

Why they chose the letter “C” rather than the word “sea,” we’re not entirely sure, but it fits well with the pun. Plus, the shortened name might have saved a bit of money when designers came over to add the decal.
Carpe Diem
Carpe diem is a famous Latin expression meaning “seize the day” or “seize the present.” It was first uttered by the Roman poet Horace thousands of years ago and made famous (to modern folks) in the film Dead Poets Society when Robin Williams’ character told his students to seize the day.

Well, now it has reached the height of popularity – it’s a boat name. The old Latin phrase now appears as “Seas the Day.” We admit it’s a clever one, and enjoy thinking about what that means. Most likely fishing and swimming.
A Busy Boat
Busy professionals love to buy boats because it provides a relaxing way to unwind on the open ocean. The only problem is busy people often don’t have time to enjoy said boat. Well, it seems this mariner has figured out a solution.

Instead of saying you’re “in a meeting” when you’re really at home lounging about, you can say you’re in a meeting when you’re literally inside a boat called “in a meeting.” What you’re doing in that meaning, no one knows – however, we hope it’s relaxing rather than, you know, working.
When You Don’t Know
If there’s one thing boat enthusiasts are good at, it's crafting puns. Well, that and boating of course. The pun below is extra clever, however, because it takes a common phrase and makes it very boaty. The name is “Knot Shore.”

It might take a while to untangle the pun, but it’s appropriate for a boat because so many people spend hours and hours trying to figure out just the right name. This mariner had the same struggle – he was “not sure” what to name the boat.
Staying Healthy
It can be a pain to stay healthy all the time. You have to find the right mix of fat, carbs, proteins, minerals, and vitamins, and then dole it out in the perfect portion sizes. On top of that, you have to throw in an exercise routine that mixes up stretching with strength and cardio.

It’s exhausting. Sometimes you just want to sit back on the boat and enjoy the sunshine and open ocean. Luckily, the open ocean provides its own set of vitamins. Well, one vitamin in particular: Vitamin Sea.
The Most Valuable Kind of Ship
To quote an old comedian, people might say that a gold ship or a platinum ship is valuable. Sure, the boats may not float, but they could be sold for a pretty penny. However, that’s not the most valuable kind of ship.

Instead, the most valuable kind of ship is … friendship. Although it may sound a bit cheesy, it’s a good point. The mariner below clearly got a chuckle out of the punny name. We just wonder if it’s a big party boat.
Look and Sea
Some boat owners go for one-word names like “friendship.” Others prefer the two-word puns like “Vitamin Sea.” The mariner below prefers the phrase. In particular, the phrase “what are you looking at?”

In mariner speak, it gets shifted into the pun above: water u lookin’ at. Although clever, it’s also a bit antagonistic to be honest. We just hope the owners are decent enough sailors that other mariners – or the Coast Guard – don’t stare at them in disbelief. If so, however, we’re pretty sure we know how they’d answer.
Mistakes Were Made
This next boat works on multiple levels. First, we can give the owner kudos for not going with the nautical-themed names. Instead, he went for the common expression “uh oh.” People use it to describe all different kinds of mistakes – including the mistake of putting your boat name upside down.

Now, the only way “uh oh!” can be ready accurately is if the boat capsizes! In that case, you’ve got a really “uh oh” going on. For now, the boat is doing fine even if the name is not.
Spanglish Time
This next nautical pun stands out from all the rest. That’s because it brings together two languages: English and Spanish. The Spanish word for “yes, sir” is “Si, senor.” It’s used all the time and most English speakers have heard of it.

This mariner decided to spice it up a bit by turning “si” into “sea” – the open ocean. Now, it’s both a pun and a statement of fact. When it’s drifting along on the open sea, you can accurately point to the water and say, “sea, senor.”
Don’t Tempt Fate
It’s a dangerous game to try and tempt fate. Even if it’s taken as a joke, reality has a way of hitting you with a harsh punchline. For example, naming your small boat “Titanic II” is a mildly clever way of poking fun at the notorious ship that sank in the early 1900s.

However, it might cause your own boat to sink as well! That seems to be what happened above. Granted, the captain didn’t hit an iceberg in the middle of the night and, luckily, there weren’t any casualties.
Dealing with Uncertainty
There are two ways to deal with all the uncertainties that might crop up on the open ocean. One is to fret about it and be constantly anxious. The other is to accept what comes without worrying about it too much. In others, to accept that, well, “ship happens.”

The original phrase is too R-rated to print here, but we’re sure you can imagine it. The mariner below took that and created a more family friendly saying. Alongside being a clever pun, it also advocates a helpful attitude.
Boating and Working Don’t Mix
As we saw from the “in a meeting” boat above, boating and working don’t go together well. The latter is for earning the money you need to live, and the former is for, well, living – enjoying a few hours on the open ocean.

The mariner above chose to celebrate that sentiment with a Bostonian-like flair. For those not on the East Coast, the name “Fahfrum Wurken” may sound like a German town. However, those in the know, know that it’s a clever way of saying, “far from working.”
Seaing Others
For some reason, most sailors refer to their ships as women – they use the pronoun “she” when talking about their boats. This next sailor took it a step farther by actually calling his boat “The Other Woman.”

It seems this sailor has two women in his life. One is a human woman who stays on land, and the other is a boat who prefers the water. Hopefully, the sailor is open and honest by telling his wife that he’s seeing another woman. Or, to be more punny, he’s “seaing” another woman.
Hit TV Boat
From the moment it came out in 2008 to its final episode in 2013, AMC’s "Breaking Bad" was a huge hit. Alongside the plotlines, characters, and scenery, viewers loved the opening introduction as well.

In particular, for the unique logo with “Br” and “Ba” looking like they’re part of the periodic table of elements. The bass fisherman (and TV fan) below used that as inspiration for his own unique name: breaking bass. Clever name. We just hope he’s not getting into any of the other stuff they did on the show.
Apocalyptic Advice
People are often afraid of the so-called zombie apocalypse when gangs of hungry zombie roam the streets eating people. That’s partly why The Walking Dead and countless other zombie TV shows and movies are so popular. Fearing it is one reaction, but preparing for it is a far better one.

That’s what the sailor above did with the cleverly named boat, “Zombies Can’t Swim.” It’s good advice. Once the zombie hordes start running after you, all you got to do is hop on board and start up the engine. The open seas are safe.
Dangers of Aquahol
People who work too much are often called “workaholics.” It’s a clever play on the more serious disease of alcoholism. In a similar vein, the sailor below christened a new pun: aquaholic. It describes a serious addiction to water – which, if you think about it, isn’t that bad.

People with this addiction simply love to be out on the ocean – swimming, fishing, sailing. That being said, it does cost a pretty penny to be an aquaholic because boats and gas don’t come cheap.
Weight of a Marriage
Judging from the name of the boat, we imagine things at home aren’t going too well for this sailor. That’s because the name is “Aweigh from Wife.” Is the wife holding the sailor down like a heavyweight?

We aren’t sure. However, spending some time apart pursuing your own hobbies is healthy for any couple. So, maybe this sailor loves the open ocean and the wife is more a fan of land. Sometimes you just need your own place to unwind and take weight off your shoulders.
Escaping the Noise
Way back in the early 1960s, Steve McQueen and James Garner starred in the film The Great Escape. This classic film tells the story of Allied POWs escaping from a German camp during WWII. It influenced audiences, filmmakers, and, apparently, sailors.

Down in Myrtle Beach, this sailor decided to name his boat “The Great Escape.” Since the sailor doesn’t have to worry about escaping a German camp (considering WWII is long over), the escape is more to do with leaving behind all the clutter and noise of modern life.
You’re Getting Very Sleepy
People often report that they “sleep like a baby” when spending the night on a boat. That’s because the waves can gently rock you back and forth, allowing for a remarkably restful night. That sense of being hypnotized by the ocean led to the next punny name: hypnautic.

If we have three thumbs, we would give this sailor three thumbs up because that’s quite the clever name. However, it’s also important to throw in a word of caution: stay awake while sailing during the day!
Rated Arrrr
Pirates are as popular in sailor lore as mermaids and wild storms that have you screaming things like “all hands on deck!” Although their heydey – the so-called “Golden Age of Piracy” – was in the 17th and 18th centuries, their rebellious lifestyle continues to influence sailors to this day.

In particular, to influence the names that sailors give to their boats. In the appropriately named “Mad Beach,” you may find “Arrr Boat.” This is both a hat tip (do people still do those?) to pirates and a clever play on “our boat.”
Barking Orders at Sea
Most people assume boats are sailed by human sailors. That’s not always the case. Sometimes, sea-worthy animals manage to learn the ropes. As they rise through the ranks, they get more comfortable (literally) barking orders to other crew members.

That seems to be the case with the cute little “sea weiner” above. This Dachshund – also known as a weiner dog or sausage dog – is probably the cutest captain around. No wonder the human owners decided to plaster the doggie’s name right on the side of the boat.
Bickering Boats
It doesn’t take long to realize that these next two boats belong together. The real question is why owns them. Perhaps it’s a self-critical sailor who is always having arguments with him or herself. Or, maybe it’s a couple of siblings, friends, or spouses who love to bicker.

Based on the names of “wood too” and “wood not,” the bickering seems to be over what kind of material the boats are made of. If that’s the case, then we place our bets with the boat on the left because it definitely looks like wood.
Keep It Simple Sailor
Making a cake from scratch isn’t easy. Making one from a pre-packaged box that only requires an egg and some water is easy – and delicious. The same applies to boats. Some boats required you to have a Ph.D. in engineering just to figure out how to steer them. Others, like the one below, are much simpler.

All you need to do is “just add wind.” That’s the kind of simplicity we can get behind! Hop on board, add a bit of wind, and you’re off on the open seas.
Flava-licious Boating
During the late 1980s and early 1990s, Public Enemy rose to the heights of musical fame. The hip-hop group featured Chuck D and the infamous hype-man Flavor Flav. One of his most iconic lines was “yeah, boyeeeee!”

The sailor above – who, we hope is Flavor Flav – took that line and made it more sailor like: yeah buoy. Based on that name, this Milwaukee boat is a fan of parties, golden-era hip hop, and clock necklaces. Although the word is still out, we really hope this is actually Flavor Flav’s boat.
Sailor Taxes
Generally speaking, the IRS is the one institution you don’t want to mess with. Despite all the money, fame, and notoriety of Al Capone, the IRS managed to lock him up for tax evasion – he never filed a federal income tax return.

With that in mind, the name of the boat above is a bit troubling. Is this sailor advertising the fact that they haven’t paid taxes? If so, they might want get a call from the IRS. If not, then it’s a clever name that brings chuckles to those who see it.
The Inheritance
Boats don’t come cheap – in other words, they cost a boat load of money. On top of the initial purchase, you have to factor in added equipment, fuel, maintenance, and mooring fees for docking your boat. Although the boat floats, it may sink your finances.

So, it requires you to make some important decisions. Do you really need to put aside money for your kids to inherit when you’re gone, or would it be better for the whole family to enjoy a boat? This sailor chose the second one.
Bullship Happens
It’s no secret that sailors have potty mouths – or, to be more accurate, they “talk like sailors.” However, some have learned to cut down on the naughty words by turning them into hilarious puns. For example, “bullship.”

With a name like that, you’d expect a dingy old boat that’s falling apart, but the Bullship above seems to be state of the art. Alongside two floors, it has got all the bells and whistles. Maybe the name means the captain doesn’t put up with any “bullship.”
Don’t Worry, Be Happy
Like “Titanic II,” this seems to be a case of a name tempting fate. Or, if you want to look at the bright side, a name that accepts the absurdity of life and is willing to laugh about it.

That being said, even the calmest sailor is going to get mad when their beloved boat starts to sink. Luckily, it doesn’t seem like anyone was onboard, or that the boat was far off in the ocean. Instead, it was right next to shore – which, to be honest, is a bit worrying.
When Two Boats Talk
As we saw with the “wood not” and “wood too” boats above, sometimes boat names fit perfectly together. For the “wood” boats, it’s because they were owned by the same person. For the boats below, it’s an entirely happy coincidence.

Both “Tom’s Cruise” and “Topp Gun” managed to dock right next to each other at the marina. Perhaps to avoid litigation, both boats created a bit of distance with their names. “Tom’s Cruise” is different from “Tom Cruise” and “Topp Gun” differes from “Top Gun.”
Impulse Purchases
People make impulse purchases all the time. Usually, these are small items such as a pair of jeans or a new gadget that you don’t really need. Other times, it’s large items like, well, boats. If you impulse buy a boat, there are two reactions you can have.

Either, you can drop your head in shame and try to sell it to regain some of the money. Or, you can proudly display your mistake by naming your boat “Favorite Mistake.”
The Hard Truth
Everyone dreams from time to time. They have what some might call “illusions” about how their life is going to pan out. Usually, these are grand ideas such as being the president of a country or an astronaut. However, reality often has a way of cutting these down to size.

The sailor above knows what we’re talking about. In a clever ode to this thinking, the sailor made the large boat “illusion” and the smaller boat “reality.” Although we shoot for the big one, the small one is more realistic.
A Confusing Sale
As we’ve seen from all the clever puns above, words with the same sound often have two very different spellings and meanings. To sea what we mean, simply scroll back a bit (or re-read this sentence). Now, take a look at this next boat: knot for sail.

Although this nautical pun is top notch, the fact that the boat actually is “for sale” is a bit confusing. To play around more, maybe the sailor is selling knots (“knots for sale”) while telling you what the boat is for (“for sail).
Frayed So
This next nautical pun has multiple layers going on. First of all, the so-called “fraid knot” is a pun on the phrase “afraid not.” Secondly, the name “fraid knot” refers to an actual frayed knot – a piece of rope that’s fraying or unraveling.

The fact that the unraveled rope is meant to secure the boat is more frightening. Last of all, “fraid knot” is a perfect answer to the question, “can we go boating?” The frayed rope mixed with the winter conditions means no one’s ready to hit the open ocean just yet.
Retired Life
Retirement is something that nearly all working people dream about at some point. For some, that retirement dream means spending hours unwinding at the beach or leisurely playing golf. For the retiree below, it’s about spending time fishing and boating.

The name captures it perfectly: Reel-ly Retired. From now on, life is all about throwing out the rod, reeling fish back in, and cooking them up for dinner. Sounds like paradise to some (in particular, the sailor above). After decades of hard work, it’s an earned pleasure.
Under Water
With a name like “Liquid Asset,” this sailor is clearly in finance. A liquid asset in investment is something that can be easily converted to cash. The best one is, well, cash, but others include stocks, bonds, and mutual.

Illiquid assets are things like real estate and collectibles that might take a while to convert into cash. Despite having a name like “Liquid Asset,” the boat above falls into the illiquid camp – it would take a while to sell it. Regardless, with a clever name like that, the sailor isn’t too worried about money.