We are showing off our goofy side and showing the world how hilarious we are. Our shirts do the job. Thumbs up if you would definitely wear a hilarious tee; and if you don’t, these ones would surely make you change your mind. "Normal people" and celebrities alike - funny t-shirts!
Husband Of...

Remember this t-shirt? One sunny day, Gal Gadot was snapped sitting next to her husband, Yaron Varsano. During the Wonder Woman craze, this picture went positively viral! You can't help but love this tee, especially knowing a little bit about their relationship.
These lovebirds have been together for over a decade! and they now have two daughters — Alma and Maya. According to Gal, even her daughters tell everyone "my mom is wonder woman"! What a spot-on custom tee, if there ever was one.
Read on to see the wildest and wackiest shirts ever recorded on cotton, and captured on film!
It's Britney Bitch
Oh baby baby, how was I supposed to know that something wasn't right here? Breakups hurt, and even celebrities are not immune. Britney clearly made a decision here, and she wants to talk about it.

Britney Spears was captured rocking the inscription 'Dump Him' during the time it was rumored that Justin Timberlake had moved in with his new girlfriend. But wait, didn't Justin say "bye, bye, bye" first? It's hard to remember now, but Justin and Britney were such an iconic couple back then! Only a tee from the time capsule can capture the drama, at this point.
Samuel L. Jackson Cubed
Nothing to see here – just a photo of Samuel L. Jackson wearing a t-shirt of Samuel L. Jackson, wearing a t-shirt of Samuel L. Jackson. Got a problem with that?

Yes, this is real. Memorialized on the net now, this 'inception' of a tee must have been confusing for the unsuspecting person just looking around. And maybe, that's just what Sam wanted! Lost for words? Have any questions? Say “what” one more time. Samuel L. Jackson double dares you.
Mo' Letters Mo' Problems
Modern Family actress Sarah Hyland and Bachelor in Paradise star Wells Adams showed off their No, No, No, Notorious t-shirt set. Not too matchy-matchy, is it?

This pair wore tees that linked in a very clever way, but what about their time apart? Any shout out to rapper The Notorious B.I.G. means a few Biggie Smalls references, for sure. It's a nickname worth wearing, if there ever was one! Perhaps these outfits are designated for the pajama pile, outside of their magical reunions. Can't confuse the public in bed!
Just Let It Slide
With a bold tee like this, many things come to mind. Does this mystery girl want a tech-savvy person to open up her heart, or is this more about what lies beneath the tee? Inquiring minds want to know!

Does she speak English? Does she only read braille? Whether or not she planned it, people are bound to wonder and stare with that graphic near eye level. Eyes up here, buddy! Unless that's impossible. Which, let's be honest, it probably is.
Ball Buddies
The tables have turned! How cute is this pic of Major League Baseball player Justin Verlander taking a selfie right beside a tiny fan? The athlete in training clearly idolizes him, judging by the name on that Jersey.

It looks like the barista already has a sneaking suspicion about what's going on, right under her nose. Her smile says it all! The younger customer is going to be in for a surprise, and a good one. It's not everyday that you meet your idol with full fan gear, at random — but today is definitely that day!
Not Gonna Happen
Well, this tactic could not be more obvious. On a good day, people would call this guy a walking red flag. But so far, his boozy date hasn't quite noticed the big, bold letters!

Unfortunately for him, beer goggles are unlikely to help. What a creep, right? No amount of beer chugging is going to make all the ladies see him as Ryan Gosling. It's hard to forget a warning right in front of their faces. And rightly so, it seems!
Bieber Boys
Every concert has its share of silly tees. Deep in the crowd, sleuths have uncovered a few passionate Justin Bieber activists. Or have they?

The internet questions if these are truly Beliebers. Are there any girlfriends behind the scenes? These cheeky smiles do leave the viewer wondering if they lost a bet. Or maybe, this is the latest coca-cola campaign on Instagram. At the end of the day, this scene mostly remains a mystery. Maybe Justin himself could weigh in and help? No one knows his true blue fans better, that's for sure.
Thar She Blows
Caution: The release of intestinal fumes puts inhalers at risk. Side effects include momentary loss of oxygen, dizziness, and possible coma. Please consult a medical professional, pronto!

Yes, this tee seems strange. Unprecedented, even. But sometimes, the body has a mind of its own. At least this lady is warning pedestrians to take preventive measures for their own safety, right? While this may have seemed like an attention-seeking play at first, it may just be a random act of compassion. Thank you, fart queen?
Let Me Work It
Yes Carla, we get it. You're an advocate. No one is arguing the point! There’s no official code of conduct regarding twerking yet, but it's clear this celebrity wants some input at that meeting.

Not everyone likes to see a scantily clad lady shaking her posterior. But honestly, most people do. Why lie about it? Maybe Carla Delevingne is just ahead of the curve when she explains twerking is not a crime. One day in a dark world it could be, but not if this model has any say in the matter!
Don't Try This At Home
Sometimes, it is funny to be inaccurate. Intentionally or unintentionally, there are plenty of laughs in a misspelled tee! The question is, does this guy know anyone is chuckling?

Whether it was conscious or not, this message really just makes people with an accent feel like they are in good company. It's better to laugh than to cry, as they say! Spelling mistakes can unite us all, with the right attitude. In this case, though, one thing must be stated. It is not advisable to crap one's hands, unity, or not! Noise, no noise. Just say no, please!
Wiz Kids
Tom Felton’s portrayal of Draco Malfoy was positively chilling. In real life, it seems his costars don't find him very intimidating, though!

Harry Potter villains are the best villains, but they have plenty of friends on the red carpet. Judging from Rupert Grint’s tee on the red carpet, it seems he counts himself in that group! Real life means Ron hangs out with Draco, and he's not ashamed. Why should he be? Young, magical, and proud — that's just the way fans like it!
Confidence Is Key
A lot of unwilling boytoys have been on the receiving end of one question. Specifically, the question of all questions: “Does this make me look fat?” We all know the safe move is a big, fat no!

Still, this young lady is causing more than a bit of confusion for the internet community. Maybe her sense of humor is all about irony because she looks far too slender to wear this message at all. Get this girl a mirror! Boyfriends everywhere agree: It's time to retire this question, once and for all.
E.T. Phoned Fan
What are the odds? A shirt defining a very specific dream, and the actualization of that dream right on camera. Maybe the sincerity was hard to resist?

Yes, wishes do come true! Perhaps it was also a wish for the director to meet someone wearing such a literal message. Was this planned? Or was it fate? With so many fantasy-based films under his belt, maybe this kind of surprise is just part of the Spielberg universe. His wildest imagination is wilder than this, for sure!
A New Era
This is not grammatically correct, but no one cannot deny the idea makes a whole lot of sense. The question is, does this girl know what philosophy she is broadcasting to the world?

Simple but golden advice, all captured on one tee-shirt. Think less, stupid more. If people lived their lives with this concept in mind, we might have a lot more laughter. And who wouldn't want that? Too much thinking, not enough stupid. Not enough stupid tees, not enough thinking. Confused? Good, that seems to be the goal here!
Escape Of The Eva
Life with annoying paparazzi and unnecessary media attention, is no walk in the park. Maybe that's why Eva Longoria’s tee reads what it does. The actress just wants a little privacy, people!

These days, it's likely she finally found her precious peace and quiet. With less camera attention after Desperate Housewives, Eva is finally enjoying a little life outside the spotlight. And she desperately deserves it! Wearing sunglasses 24/7 has got to be a real nose-pincher. Be free, Eva!
Basic White Tee Instinct
Viewers may question if this fan was even born when this scene with Sharon Stone was first filmed. Odds are, no way. But this actress doesn't seem to mind, does she?

American actress, producer, fashion model. Sharon's done it all! Or so she thought until she saw this tee. Now, she can add a timeless tee to her portfolio, and she looks positively tickled! What are the odds they would really run into each other, the day he happens to wear it? Must have planned, but it's still internet gold.
Guilty As Charged
If there ever was a t-shirt to avoid during the commission of a crime, this one would be it. Convincing the jury of his innocence after this mug shot is going to be a difficult one. More than usual, even.

It's not clear what this fellow was arrested for, but he certainly has a sour look on that puss. Why didn't he just wear something less conspicuous? Maybe he was just arrested by the fashion police, to be fair. Orange is not the new black, at least in real life. Not this tone, anyway!
Mama Mia
Where in the world has Mia Khalifa been? Oh, that's right. Starting off a major second career as a sports analyst! A regular ESPN contributor now, Mia has a whole lot of talents nobody knew about.

But wait, what is Mia trying to tell fans with this tee for the camera right now? Recently engaged to a Scandinavian chef, it looks like they might have some major news. Is she revealing a baby here? Only time will tell, and that means a maximum of 9 months to keep a secret!
Practically A Superstar
Unlike many fame chasers, this girl seems to have a healthy perspective on her place. Sure, she's gone viral for her tight, pink tee. But that's internet famous, not Hollywood known! Plus, she could just be the flavor of the week. That's how the game goes, and she gets it.

Viewers may wonder if she truly understood the shirt — and the situation — she was getting herself into here. A double meaning is afoot: A hooter on her hooter, friends! Does she work at the famous restaurant chain, or what? Questions, hoo ha's, remain.
Punch Drunk Loveless
Young love is often found at the local bar. But this pair is going nowhere, tonight. Try as he might, this lover-boy is failing. Drink til you want me, please? Sometimes, it's just not meant to be. And sometimes, the strategy is not quite legal!

Sure, he has hope. Maybe the beer googles will help him cross the finish line! Many have had similar hopes, throughout bar history. But the truth is, everyone can see that he is moving nowhere fast. It's to back away from the booze, buddy!
Your Words Not Mine
Madonna is not a stranger to controversy, but she always seemed like an independent woman. Today, her tee tells another story. For whatever reason, the pop star claims to be in a cult. The question, is which one? Los Angeles has its fair share, any day of the week.

According to the singer: ''I don’t care if people worship turtles or frogs – if they’re good people, that’s all I care about.'' Maybe she decided to spread the love this way, with a print to get people talking. She's come a long way since "Papa Don't Preach", it seems!
Close Enough
The classic map of Asia really needed an update. Sure enough, there's a tee for that! This design hints at one possible change. Why not redraw the boundaries until it looks exactly like Africa? Copyright laws, be damned — if an idea is good, it's good for everyone.

Other possibilities exist. Perhaps the slowly shifting tectonic plates have simply moved again. After all, the continents used to be a blob. Pangaea, they called it. Has the planet evolved? Will there be a war for original names? Only time will tell, and maybe on tees!
Fast Food Is All The Same Anyway
Greasy, salty hamburgers are sold by the millions everyday. It's hard to appreciate the sheer number of moo's that go into them. But there's something new in town, and some may wonder if it's a knockoff. What exactly is a hamberger, anyway?

Perhaps it's the vegetarian version, new and improved. Or maybe it's the launch of all that synthetic, lab-grown meat people have talking about these days. The product could be tasty, no doubt. But the slogan needs a relaunch, for one reason above all: Sounds like a human sandwich!
Bill Murray Being Bill Murray
Bill Murray is an American treasure. Actor, comedian, writer — what can't this man do, on or off screen? His deadpan delivery style in comedy won him fans, long ago. Young and old alike can't get enough of this guy, year after year. It's like Groundhogs Day, in a way!

Today, he encountered a younger admirer. How did he know? Why, the tee gave it away! Behold: Bill as a statue of himself, in hipster form, standing next to Bill as himself, in fisherman chic. The perfect day out for both involved, no doubt!
Hodor Is Okay, Everyone!
Fans of Game of Thrones are well aware of the character Hodor who only communicates with words that echo his name Hodor.

It is only right that this fan met the actor who played this amazing character Kristian Nairn wearing a t-shirt with the words Hodor. Yes, Buddy Hodor!
Playing Hard Ball
Pink is definitely not a regular color for men but what is more surprising here is what this shirt says. This man is definitely not ready to go into the archives when it comes to love, the young guys better get in here to see their competition.

Before you dismiss his potential, please read what his shirt says again. Call your girlfriend to be sure she is still yours.
Who Would Confuse Them?
Who doesn’t know Samuel L. Jackson? It still seems like some people still manage to mistake him for the less famous actor Laurence Fishburne who starred in The Matrix Trilogy.

When this shirt should not even be seen on Samuel L. Jackson.
Neither Are You
“Lol, you're definitely not zayn malik”, just some over the top fans who can’t seem to get enough of you.

But I guess our supermodel Gigi Hadid means to make things clear with her t-shirt; you are either Zayn Malik, or you don’t stand a chance!
At Least He Tells The Truth
We really would have allowed curiosity leads us to ask him what he did that landed him in this state but then taking a second read at his shirt gives us extra caution.

Who knows what he can do to us? They say that “curiosity kills the cat”, we would just take this advice and walk away safe.
Help Me Help You Help Me
Two of our favorite actors took love thy neighbor as thyself to a new level.

Ryan Gosling and Macauley Culkin just set the bar for BFF relationship everywhere when Ryan decided to showcase a picture of Culkin wearing a t-shirt showing Ryan wearing a t-shirt of Culkin.
I Speak Just Like The Youth
Let us just say you should live while you can regardless of your age. This man here is telling us “I am still alive and I am not going anywhere anytime soon” that should be good news for his family but for the non-family members especially the male folk, this might just mean more competition for “swag”.

No human is a cat, you only get to live once!
That's Some Massive Shade
Looking for a way to shun your haters?

Then taking lessons from the British sensation Rita Ora who is seen in this picture wearing a t-shirt that clearly shows her as an independent woman lighting her own way.
Safely Riding Dangerously
“Do as I say not as I do”.

Just two things involved, it is either he does not know what his shirt says, or he is out here to show an example of the consequence of disobeying this. Don’t follow him.
Sometimes the patient dog is the one who dies of hunger because the fattest bone is probably too fat to carry itself down to meet the dog.

Life lesson from this shirt especially in this age where there is so much competition, it is important to hustle for the good things. The tables have turned.
Harsh World
You don’t find Minnie mouse crying on a regular but whatever can bring tears out of the eyes of an inanimate object definitely has real skills in getting tears out of things.

For the record, “Deadmau5” is also pronounced as “dead mouse”. Even Minnie does not want to die.
Dreams Do Come True
Make a wish, and it just might just come true.

This fan totally got her to wish when she met with Irish actor Andrew Scott who is well known for playing the character Jim Moriarty in the popular BBC series Sherlock alongside Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. That is one lucky shirt lady.
Telling It Like It Is
This is a perfect example of when the text fits the situation, or when life imitates the print. Did this man make the unlucky decision to dress the part or was it a self-fulfilling prophecy?

Handcuffed while wearing a t-shirt that expresses how you feel in that situation, even if it involves getting arrested, is probably the definition of “meta”.
Setting The Bar Sky High
This little fella has definitely set the bar sky high with that tee on. And we see him living up to it in this picture with Victoria’s Secret Angel - Rosie Huntington-Whiteley.

What we don’t know is how long he’d be able to maintain this high standard for.
How Long Is Her “Boyfriend” Away For Exactly?
Really?! So how long is your boyfriend away for? This would definitely work for a James Bond type figure that is easily attracted to unavailable women.

Seems she likes the heat, adrenaline rush and element of danger that comes with eating the forbidden fruit. What could be steamier than a tryst with someone that you can’t have?
Honesty Is The Best Policy
Well, look who we have here, someone who wants to have the whole pool to himself. He must have been the king of mischief while growing up.

Nobody will actually take this seriously, but if eventually found true, he should be banned from all public pools before he floods people with liquid waste.
Shaming The Girls
Just take a look at how this man successfully turned the tables. To all the single ladies who have bypassed this young man or dismissed his proposal, he has a message for you all.

Talk about not blaming yourself for your present situation, someone else is definitely at fault. Stop the shame and solve his bachelorhood.
Hipster Jake
Haha! Jake Gyllenhaal really lightens some of the tension on the gay community with his t-shirt.

With all the campaigns and debates about the gay community, Jake seems to be reminiscing on his gay cowboy role in Brokeback Mountain as his tee indicates, “I was a gay cowboy before it was cool!”
Subtlety Is A Dying Art
Well, this seems like a challenge to the guys if their ploy was to buy her drinks all night and then score with her. We would, however, advise that she goes drinking with her friends than going on her own, that is if she plans to walk the talk.

Another angle would be that she plans to use the tee to respond to unwanted advances by pointing at the inscription on her tee instead of shouting over loud music at the club.
This Is Too Good To Be True
Everyone applauds the idea and go as far as encouraging you, but you just might be alone on the day of execution, only then will it dawn on you how “not so good” the idea might be.

By the way, we wish him the best while it lasts.
We Hope He Means The Petrol Type Of Gas
This looks more like a caution notice than an advertisement.

We expect every human to have gas but when a person goes the extra mile to make it known via their shirts, and then we can be sure that this gas is on a whole new level. You can bet nobody will wait for a sample, you just might not live to tell the story.
Hip Grandpa
This looks more like “Those of you who thought I will be dead by now, where are you?

Come and see me even more alive than you expected!” This grandpa is obviously not cutting his haters any slack.
Obviously Not An English Major
Well, who doesn’t love college? College was definitely fun. If only we learned to spell properly while at it. This lovely lady showed her support for higher education by sporting this t-shirt.

However, she kind of leaves you wondering if this was an advertisement to stay in school as her shirt reads “collage” (meaning a piece of art composed of different materials such as photos) instead of “college” (meaning an educational establishment, i.e., a university).
Nirvana Family Portrait
Nirvana was one of the best rock bands in the 90s that displaced the domination of rap music in those days. This group is what we can safely refer to as legendary, while the average millennial might not be able to relate with this, those who are fascinated by music and its evolution would feel on top of the world just by wearing this shirt.

Not being sure if the picture here is the same as that of the original Nirvana band, we can only be glad that this shirt represents Nirvana.
Truer Words Have Never Been Spoken
If captions on shirts were regarded as a crime, then this shirt might not be so funny, but since it is not, we feel safe. When you are in the wrong, you can be sure that the sound of the siren would wipe every smile from your face and double the pace of your heartbeat.

The police rarely ever fail in nabbing the culprits, if you are innocent, then there is absolutely nothing to run away from.
Where’s Rita?
The creative kind of love is even more attractive when the couple refuses to fall out of love. They have come such a long way, and grandpa still wants to be returned to Rita.

This remains sweet until another Rita appears on the scene, we don’t want any fights, please.
Kidnap Proof?
There just might be an exception to this text, what if the kidnapper is bigger? It will be an extremely easy task then! Let us applaud his confidence though; it is quite obvious he has thick skin.

This means for him to continue scaring the kidnappers away, he has to keep his size intact!
Bye Haters
Sometimes, you need to catch some fun by making your haters feel important for a moment, and right there in a split second, you dash their hopes.

Give your haters the disappointment they deserve, you own your space, you own your joy. Bid the haters farewell.
Midday Drink?
When you are drunk, life in itself is in reverse for you.

Should we say this drunken state was anticipated and that is why this shirt was worn or is it that the person was so drunk that even the text on the shirt had to show it?
Too Much Information
We don’t think anybody enjoys “bad dumps”, there is no way you would be happy having a hard time with your dump.

So let us just say this man is taking out time to appreciate what everyone considers normal, maybe he has had a terrible experience on the flip side.
The Golden Age
The fact that she is managing a smile while wearing this caption is quite amusing. This is one old woman that has probably been tricked one too many times or maybe “everyone” is just one person’s name.

I hope she does not find “everyone.”
Harsh Words
He most definitely loves fresh bacon, doesn’t he? The little piglet just had to surrender to him maybe we can conclude that the love is mutual.

This is the cutest love we have found yet, at least between man and food, where the food loves you just as much.
The New Form Of Inspiration
This is the definition of “you cannot beat me even at my worst”, he has already pointed out all the flaws you can possibly find in him physically, and he has even beaten you to it.

This man is enough motivation for his entire club, his self-motivation skills are unrivaled. Don’t attempt to get ahead of him; he might just sit on you - anything to win!
Timing Is Everything
Just see how this young boy has innocently planned a reunion, the cow on the shirt does not look too happy though while the other looks surprised, we can imagine the cow saying “Is that you, brother?”

We heard cows can be violent sometimes, we hope the boy does not get his shirt ripped off.
Know Your Limits
She looks Asian, and some people get their names pronounced as “you” over there, so we believe that she is more specific than generic.

For her to be hotter than “you” though, we cannot wait to see just how hot “you” is. Why do we feel like she is hating on “you” though?
She Ain’t Right, But She Ain’t Wrong
The American Dream is the idea that any United States citizen has an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative.

Britney Spears would have you believe this applies to her. Everything except the shaving the head part, love. Oh, and Federline. Ain’t nobody got time for that!
Know Your Strengths And Weaknesses
Talk about knowing your strength and not deceiving yourself. This man should be nominated for the award of “Most Honest Person”. You cannot do without his kind, no matter how smart you get.

This man is probably playing on our minds, he might not be book smart, but he is a game changer.
Have You Been Naughty Or Nice?
When your dominant gene is naughty, and you let it get the better of you, you might just be taking a picture like this. It is not much of her fault though, she cannot help it, which should be excuse enough for the court.

Believe in her, the 2% “angel” in her might be stronger than the other parts. Her face does not even help us decipher.
Say Squeeze!
Why does it feel like this guy is uncomfortable yet trying to be cool in the situation? More like he is being bullied but cannot afford to ruin his reputation so let’s just keep everything under control.

We hope he does not get squeezed to death, what is even creepier is the fact that someone may actually own those hands.
Trying To Get A Word In
Talk about an extraordinary skill of commanding attention from your audience, a very special charm indeed.

Keep farting till you are satisfied with the attention you have received from them. If you know her, it would be better you listen before she asks you to.
Love Me
Love is where the heart is, no matter how far love is you will definitely find it. This young man is probably tormenting all the ladies attracted to him in his zone.

This is him saying “steer clear, I am taken”. Don’t give up though, who knows if he is just checking your persistence level? Love does not give up.
What Would You Rather?
We are not sure if this man is entirely correct, but we agree with him anyway. He carries the message with so much confidence and swag that we cannot even resist him.

Come to think of it, we expect a smart ass to give us smart shit if it goes any other way, then surgery has probably happened somewhere.
An Embarrassing Zing
This lady might just remain single for as long as she wears this shirt. Well, good news for all the ladies, you can get minus one threat from your relationship.

At least, she ceases to be a threat till her grammar is fixed. Once that is done, I am not too sure if the “boyfriend” is safe.
Not Worried…
Our dear friend is going to be waiting around for a very long time because what goes around comes around, and nothing is definitely going around this time.

Maybe, if there was a little less to go around, he finds a lady love to come round to. A gentle reminder, less is more in this game called love, and yes! We are talking about both effort and size of... ego! ;)
She Fell For The T-Shirt
His tee seems to insinuate that he pulls the chicks in numbers, and he backs it up with the lady seated beside him. He seems to be able to walk the talk, or in this case, sit beside one.

This is really proof that opposites attract. He seems to have his A-game on.
Calling A Spade A Spade
You heard about viewing the cup half full instead of half empty, this is a perfect but hilarious example. This optimist, rather than stating the obvious, decided to count his blessings rather than his calories.

He put a positive spin on his current state. If only we were able to substitute running jokes as opposed to, well, running, wouldn’t we all be happier?
The North Remembers Indeed
Kit Harington was recently seen sporting a t-shirt with a fun twist on the logo and font of the brand 'The North Face'.

The logo is edited to include Game of Throne imagery, while the slogan was changed to 'The North Remembers'. The resulting t-shirt is just pretty damn good. Especially when Harington himself wears it.
Self Assuming
Oh my! Who else sees overconfidence on display here? Sure you may if you could just let us know when God’s likely to be finished because we had a pending discussion.

Our friend here probably meant to be nice, but bruh, it just came out all wrong!
Meetings Aren’t For Me
Oh well, meetings weren’t for her until a judge’s verdict forced her into rehab for drinking while driving.

So now, she’s got to spend the next couple of months through complete detox and those nasty withdrawal symptoms that accompany. I bet those Alcoholics’ Anonymous meetings don’t look that bad now, huh?
FBI On The Scene
Hmm… It looks like this female body inspector’s aim was some humor and attention, but oh well!

He definitely did get the attention alright, as it turns out he has now gotten himself in some real trouble with the actual FBI on the scene. I guess it is safe to say be careful what you wish for!
You Heard The Man!
Guys, what are we waiting for? You all heard the astronaut! With all the current climate change, global warming threats and environmental issues we hear daily, a new planet doesn’t sound like a bad idea, don’t you think?

And maybe just for fun, we would add, “Do earth a favor and get your behind to Mars!”
A Slice Of The Pizza Tree
You’ve heard the phrase the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, but this looks like a much more delicious interpretation.

The little baby couldn’t look happier being daddy’s little slice of heaven. Who needs toppings when a munchkin looks so yummy.
I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For…
…Ice Cream! Well, well, well, would you look at that, model Alexis Ren clearly enjoys being salacious. The Maxim cover girl put a new spin on a 1927 song by explicitly revealing her fantasies.

This is the type of thing better kept behind closed doors. The definition of TMI (Too Much Information).
You’ve Been Caged
Actress and comedienne Aubrey Plaza is known for playing April Ludgate on Parks and Recreation, a character whose deadpan expression won over fans.

So when the actress wore this t-shirt of a giant zoomed in Nicholas Cage face, we were the ones who had poker faces. You’ve been Caged!
Stage actor Billy Magnussen is known for the films Into the Woods, Birth of the Dragon, and Game Night.

He showed everyone how much of a fan of himself he was when he was caught sporting this tee with a matching expression to boot. He’s laughing all the way to the bank.
No Smiles For You!
Former Spice Girl Victoria Beckham these days occupies her time by promoting her line of fashion wear and accessories.

Often criticized for not smiling enough by the press, Posh Spice hit back at the haters rocking this tee.
Works For Us!
English singer-songwriter Jessie J took decided to mix up her celebrity status with an everyday item by wearing this fashion tee which reads “I didn’t know what to wear today so I put on this designer t-shirt”.

That’s one way to answer your own question, huh?
Before And After
Actor Josh Peck is best known for playing the bubbly Josh Nichols on the live-action sitcom Drake & Josh. In recent years, the actor has brushed up to the admiration of female fans like the one pictured.

Amazing how much a healthy diet and exercise can do. Big ups, Josh!
Wearing Her Husband
The affable Kelly Rippa has been married to Riverdale actor Mark Consuelos since 1996.

Spotted here is the veteran talk show host posing with a tee shirt of multiple photos of her husband’s head. Will he lose his head over this picture?
Sisterly Love
Talk about some real sibling love! No matter how much of fights you get into with your sibling, that sibling instinct to be there no matter what happens just always betrays your every emotion and gets you all supportive.

With Kourtney Kardashian’s tee, I guess we could all agree that No one loves a Kardashian like a Kardashian!
You’re Not A Duck
This “sorry, not sorry” attitude attains a whole new level by adding the words “little”. Firstly, I guess we are supposed to count ourselves lucky that you don’t consider us to be a water bird.

The word “Hasty” added here is an understatement.
Well That Settles It
Though not everyone is into Star Wars, imagine being amidst some avid Star Wars fans and a tee having the same words as the one director George Lucas has on, you’d definitely be having your ears full.

But thankfully, it’s the director that’s got the tee on, so well that settles it! You can’t argue with the director, can you?
It Really Ties The Picture Together
Can you image imagine as a fan meeting one of your idols?

That must be surreal, now picture how cool this guy must be feeling having met Jeff Bridges, the main protagonist in the 1998 film titled The Big Lebowski and wearing a shirt with the print “The Dude” which incidentally matches Jeff’s character.
Feeling Picky
They say “unlike poles attract”, so let us give him the benefit of the doubt that he has probably seen his future self and can only date those that will bring out the “fitfam” in him.

Models, don’t be discouraged, the future is fit. Keep dreaming; get what you want.