Every teenager always looks forward to their high school prom and there’s no greater milestone that you can possibly achieve without this event at the back of your mind.
Through the magic of prom photography, we’ll get to relive those embarrassing moments for the rest of our lives, taking a look at these photos, below are a collection of some of the funny, awkward and embarrassing prom pictures.
Dad ain't happy
You wouldn’t want to have your dad with a shotgun in your prom photo background.

You really don’t want to mess with his daughter.
Don't look away... you should learn from this :-)
Not Ordinary
This group of girls certainly thought out of the box.

They decided to stand out by using creative ideas to make up their dress, they certainly did with matching shoes to give color to their dresses.
Stepping out in a rainbow touch with your friends is what most guys would have wanted on their prom.

These hilarious group of guys stepped out in their favorite colors in suits and a matching hat and tie...
Sneak Peek
When an excited girl doesn’t care about her Prom date gazing look at her bosom...

...instead she chose to take a pose while her date having a sneaky look at her ought to look at her in a more discrete way.
This kind of prom pictures isn’t something you would be proud to show your children.

Especially the 70’s hair and the outfit. It’s not even the dress, it's the whole thing.
These ladies let their dressing do the talking by stepping out in a hot outfit.

The conspicuous spaces between their chests will make guys wonder whether it was their prom night they came for or a fashion display.
Pink Lady
When you try and get on pose with your favorite girl as the date and then looking back at the picture you seem to realize it was all wrong.

I never did said it was a wrong prom picture though.
Hawk Eyes
Another date with hawk eyes who hasn’t learned the art of being subtle.

He might as well delete the picture at the end of the day because no one likes being seen gawking at a girl this way especially when the picture will be seen by many.
All Hands On Deck
A beautiful teenage couple with massive smiles and dresses decided to make the picture more massive.

The picture says it all.
This is definitely not the actual backdrop for prom photos at the school.

These two decided to set up a colorful background and take a pose for their prom pics which their parents might not be too happy about. It doesn’t matter though they are happy about it.
See Through
Winning a prom queen comes with its stakes, for this girl it was a dress that is almost a see-through looking as though it is missing a strap.

She’s not bothered as she’s happy and putting on a beautiful smile.
With a funny pose, they will definitely remember this prom picture for a long time.

The girl in a more powerful position to whip his date. But all we will say, men, be respectful to your prom date. Even if you’ve known each other for years.
Self-Aware (Or Not?)
These kinds of girls are not always seen on a prom date...

...but when a girl looking like this is around she’s either turned away at the door or putting the whole atmosphere into confusion.
Green Thumb
When your friend decides to bump into your picture by hiding in the green.

There is so much green in this photo though as he’s putting on a green shirt himself that you almost miss him in the back.
Smells Fishy
A Toy fish as a prom date!! This is quite hilarious as this young man dresses up his toy fish as his date.

What could be fishier on prom night than this act…
Dressing up like it’s Halloween on your prom date makes you wonder whether it was a Halloween themed prom.

But this couple chose to dress up like it’s Halloween, they would have definitely achieved their motive if it was to catch the eye of many.
With a matching dress and background, this lady obviously chose this outfit for a purpose.

It’s not that bad as it looks.
Papa Bear
A father with a glaring and threatening look in the background of his daughter’s prom photo says it all about what is going on in his mind.

At least this dad didn’t come at his daughter’s prom date with a shotgun.
Doctor Who?
You could be proven wrong when you think you’ve seen it all with the guy with the fish.

This lady actually brought a cardboard cut-out of her favorite television character Dr. Who as her prom date.
May The Fourth Be With You
In the name of putting on a weird character. This guy wore a Startrooper helmet to his prom date.

His beautiful wife chose not to copy his weird character though.
Gender Roles
When there is nothing being said about what to wear and what not to, on your prom date. Girls were allowed to wear tuxes and boys being allowed to wear female dresses.

What a fashion statement these two put up with the guy dressing in a female gown and the girl putting on a fitted suit.
It provides a good feeling when your favorite childhood character Barney shows up on your prom.

Either Barney was a part of the party or someone brought as a date was not clear but he did found his admirers.
If you decide to take a pose outside a Planned Parenthood on the night of the prom, you could imagine what your parents could possibly think when they see the picture.

They’ll either feel much better or much worse about it we suppose. Talk about rocking the boat.
Like A Movie
Serious and concentrated faces, elephant background, with a cat in hand.

This couple actually looks as though they were stepping out for a movie scene rather than a prom photo pose. I better hope it was planned as it looks.
Muscle Man
When a muscular man in his '50s decides to take a pose with a bunch of teenagers heading to prom, we hope he didn’t follow them with his intimidating muscles to the prom.

Honestly, it couldn't have hurt these guys' chances with the ladies. It would've only highlighted their "badass" reputation.
X Box
When you are in love with your accessories especially your game sets. A typical teenage boy who takes his gaming very seriously.

So seriously that he brought it to prom with him. As his date.
Real Subtle
Eyeing your friend's date boobs won’t go unnoticed especially when it’s on camera.

Here is a teenage boy who just knows how to keep his eye on the prize.
Dad Jokes
When you thought you are having a perfect pose with your beautiful dress and makeup on your prom day.

And your dad decided to take his jokes to a new level by bumping into your picture with a funny smile and a bare belly.
With a Mohawk covering his face and a long jacket with studs on the shoulders.

This guy did step out in a rare style with his prom date.
So Confusing
With a car in the riverbank and Policemen in the background, as well as holding a sewing machine to pose for a picture.

And as confusing as this picture might look it sure did has meaning to him as he’s all with a huge smile on his prom day.
Stand Out
Deciding to stand out in a more obvious way in a group picture on your prom day would be remembered for a long time.

Take a look at this guy putting on a scary face and looking like a possessed demon. Rock on, brother!
Photobombing your friend at her prom picture with her date isn’t something she would find funny.

Especially if she’s all so excited about the picture.
Equal Split
With your two dates at prom having a touch of your outfit speaks all about your affection for both of them.

Even if it looks like the worst thing to do, they did step out in style and a funny one indeed.
It’s free to say it is a normal thing to Photobomb your pictures on prom but it won’t go too well when the person photobombing is all frowning like a hunted ghost in the background.

These girls wouldn’t mind cropping him out of the picture though. It's a classic "She will be mine" moment.
Daisy Dukes
Her dad Putting on ripped short jeans appearing like a Daisy Duke as in the television series Dukes of Hazard didn’t go well for this girl on her prom day as she’s seen not smiling in the picture.

She might have disapproved of taking the picture.
Not Impressed
When you are not so impressed with taking a picture that’s the kind of facial expression you would put on.

With a matching background of green grass and tree to her green dress, you would have thought this girl would be impressed.
Stepping out in your big hair might not matter to you at the moment.

This might just be the biggest hair we have ever laid eyes on a prom.
Girl Power
Yes, a fake bridge is exactly what we needed.

These five girls were all smiling big as they thought the whole set up was cool by taking up a picture on a fake bridge on their prom night.
Get Ready
Either they weren’t ready for their photo to be taken or it was an act is not known.

But we do know girls always need more time to prepare themselves to pose for a picture especially when it’s a prom picture.
The girls all wore a matching dress with their dates to the prom.

With the guys wearing their favorite characters underneath their jacket.
Ryan Reynolds
This girl decided to use photoshop to replace her boyfriend with Ryan Reynolds as she wanted a perfect prom photo.

It might be due to falling out with her boyfriend or just wanting to have Ryan as her prom date. Who wouldn’t want Ryan Reynolds as a date…
Standing Out
She chose to stand out at their prom by putting on an outfit as though she were on The Hunger Games.

This might be quite funny to her mates as they can be seen smiling but not to her.
Shopping Online
It might be incredibly disappointing to find out that the dress you bought online isn’t what you expected.

This beautiful lady didn’t let this ruin her day as she’s all smiling in her prom picture.
This couple made their dress out of mountain dew polythene.

They might have forgotten they were going on a prom date and not a mountain dew competition.
Trying to step out in style with your prom date is always meant to be one the best day of your life as a teenager.

But with an American design all over your dress wouldn’t be what many will have envisaged.
A pinata as a prom outfit is so confusing as she is seen putting on.

Many would have thought otherwise but she’s seen smiling in her self acclaimed beautiful outfit.
This couple decided to step out in a duct tape fashion which is becoming a growing trend when it comes to prom.

And as far as there’s no limitation to what one could wear we could see this quite often.
Okay Then
Most people don’t just want to wear regular clothes to prom any longer.

Instead, they resort to choosing outfits that are distinctive.
Bieber Fever
She’s definitely a Justin Bieber fan, this lady had a Bieber cardboard cutout as her prom date.

As creative it might look it’s one of the craziest and funniest it would have been on her prom.
Selena Too
When you think Justin Bieber cardboard cutout as prom date is crazy, you will not be too surprised to see Selena Gomez own too.

And this is quite funny with the matching lemon outfit.
This picture speaks all for itself as it is so hilarious.

You really don’t need to stare so hard at this photo to understand why it’s so damn hilarious.
Photo Gone Wrong
A beachside prom picture would have been one a Teenager always dreamt of, but it all gone wrong as seen in the picture.

What a ridiculous picture it turned out to be.
Right To Bear Arms
Given that there’s a right to possess firearms in America. It doesn’t necessarily mean to show up with your prom date with shotguns.

It would turn into a hunting parade and not a prom if everyone held a gun to their prom.
A True King
Raquel Smith got her wish fulfilled when Andre Drummond appeared to be her prom date. Detroit Pistons center Andre Drummond was asked via Twitter user Raquel Smith how many retweets she needed to get for him to be her prom date.

He said, “12,000 times in just two weeks.” Drummond appearing much taller than the happy Smith.
These two decided to dress up as Pikachu on their prom night.

There is nobody to have won the award for worst dressed at the prom if there was an award like that...
Fun Couple
When you decide to touch his backside and pose for a picture on your prom.

The guy’s hilarious facial expression sums it up.
Which Decade?
From his lion’s mane to her dress to the frills you begin to imagine the decade this prom picture was taken.

We'd guess either somewhere in the ’70s or the ’80s.
Gold Vibes
As beautiful as these outfits might look.

The dangling pieces on the bottom of the gold dress make you wonder maybe it was more gold. You never could figure it out except her.
When you decide to dress up in gangster fashion with your prom date.

It wouldn’t seem like a prom date to anyone.
When your parents are trying to pose in this manner with you and your date.

And you have a covering to your face by the tie of your guy, you better hope it is a good day.
That Hair
With hair like this and the luscious locks.

You would have thought it was a model shoot and not a prom one.
Tongues Out Tuesday
Tongue out gesture, Busting backside move, wouldn’t fit into a more perfect prom photo than this.

Provided it’s hidden from the parents.
Looks like the family doggo just wanted to join in on all the fun. Look at how precious he is posing in the photo!

He clearly is most photogenic. Out of all the photos we’ve seen! Right? Right.
Back-Up Plan
Having a back up for a date on your prom is essential but having your Cat pet as your prom date back up plan isn’t that cool.

He looks happy with his cat all dress up in pink.
They Are Ready
And this crew decided to step out in a quite unusual fashion all holding a shotgun in hand.

One would have thought they were going to war rather than prom. This crew are ready for whatever comes their way on their prom.
How Hip
This guy held tight to his date in one of the most cringe-worthy prom photos as though she will be stolen from him.

Who could blame him though? He clearly hit the jackpot.
Celebrity Prom
You would never have thought John Cena, the WWE star and actor has never been to prom has revealed on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

Naturally, Ellen took things into her own hands. She called in Cena’s fiance and they set up the mirror ball, balloons, punch bowl, and many shiny decorations. He confessed to liking it afterward.
Cute, I Guess
A duct tape prom outfits by this couple isn’t so bad.

And they look so gorgeous in it.
Danny DeVito
This teenage girl made a cut-out of Danny DeVito to her high school prom.

It’s all surprising to see DeVito made a cut-out of the Pennsylvania High senior Allison Closs and brought it with him to the ‘Sunny’ set.
Putting on a smile in your prom photo is paramount.

But putting on a funny one with your date might look creepy.
Didn’t See You There
This couple stepped out in a rare style and they were seen blending in with their surroundings so well…

Hopefully, the photographer at the prom was able to spot them!
The Squad
This group chose to have fun while posing for a picture on their prom night.

The point of prom is to have fun and that’s what they’re up to. A job well done.
Nature Calls
When you are about to take a pose with your prom date and your dog comes from nowhere to take a poo in your front.

It turned out to be a hilarious prom photo though.
Most Important Question
These ladies weren’t afraid to show their support for their favorite Twilight character of team Edward and team Jacob (vampire and werewolf).

They wore their team's imprinted faces on their dress to prom night.
This prom photo went awkward with the balloons, the boots, the dress, and the hair...

Although back then it would have been a great prom photo.
This joker friend in the background knew what he was doing when he decided to put on a funny face just when his friend is about to take a pose with his beautiful date.

He wouldn’t be forgiven so easily.
The Hair
It’s no secret that the ’80s were all about big hair.

And these two did not disappoint on that front. Putting on a big hair in the ’80s wasn’t fashion gone wrong. But nowadays it will look inappropriate.
Three Chicks
These three chicks decided to take a pose with three chicks.

They were just hanging out, laying eggs when they were ambushed by three ladies in fancy clothes maybe it was due to them not having prom dates. What a prom picture it was.
Eye See You
This couple took a pose with a Matching prom dress code of blue, matching corsage and boutonnière, matching bangs and matching smiles for the camera.

Come to think of it, if they swapped outfits we doubt many would've notice.
From the plaid to the mushrooms to the overly large dress suits to the massive corsage, to the hair and shoes this prom photo is definitely from the ’70s.

Austin Powers, eat your heart out. Yeah, baby. Yeah.
Dad Ain't Happy #2
Holding a shotgun in your daughter's prom picture wouldn’t be too funny to your daughter’s date.

This poor chap looks like he had the bejesus scared out of him.
Having a llama for prom seems pretty extreme, while many will choose to rent a limo or borrow their parent’s car.

These guys opted for a llama instead - fondly called the South American camel.
Saw It Coming
When posing goes wrong on an old bridge.

This group of twenty teenagers decided to take a pose on an aging bridge and it all went wrong.
Shorts Were Made For Walking
This guy decided to wear shorts for their prom.

As shorts were made for walking, so are boots as in Willie Nelson words although we are sure shorts weren’t meant for the prom.
These guys looking all dressed up as their favorite character went for their character’s full outfit covering up all their faces.

These fellas dressed up in the suits they felt most comfortable in.
Table For Four
Having three girls as dates can be quite fascinating.

This ladies man stepped out in style with three girlfriends to the prom night.
Bubblegum Pink
This guy brought his mom, or teacher, as his prom date.

They decided to take a pose with a pink bubblegum backdrop which is hideous.