Avoiding Poor Bathroom Etiquette is More Important than You Think

We all have our unique personal grooming habits and mostly we keep them to ourselves! However, some of the most common habits could be causing problems further down the line. 

Although these are often minor lapses in bathroom etiquette it could mean that we are unwittingly spreading our germs far and wide. Let’s take a quick look at some of the more common habits that we would be better off avoiding:

1. Not closing the toilet lid before you flush

This sounds really trivial but science has shown that if you leave your toilet lid up and then flush you are spreading a lot of really nasty germs. In fact, the particles can end up around 6 feet away from your toilet!

2. Using an old toothbrush

Good dental hygiene is important but did you know that the average toothbrush has over 10 million germs living on it? This is not something that is going to improve your oral health so make sure you change your toothbrush every 3 months.

3. Using scented soaps, gels, and bath foams

You may love that special scent but if you use something for a long time you could find that your skin starts to become irritated. Opt for a scent-free product or move on to something new.

4. Poor personal hygiene

Standing in the shower and letting soapy water trickle down your body is not the same as getting clean! It has been reported that around 28% of men don’t bother to wash their feet, believing that they are automatically cleaned in the shower. They aren’t.

5. Using dirty brushes to clean the toilet

It is always good to keep your toilet nice and clean but if you have had the same toilet brush sitting there for years you are simply using it to swirl lots of bacteria around the toilet. You need to change your toilet brush as often as you change your toothbrush.

6. Not rinsing off the soap

Although areas like your back are hard to reach if you leave a lot of soap on your skin you could end up with irritation, sensitivity or other issues like acne. Always make sure you rinse well and do it more than once.

7. Not changing the towels often

It makes good sense to hang up and reuse your towel but there is a fine line when it comes to how long you leave it between washes. Your towel will contain a lot of dead skin and certain bacteria just love to eat this! Make sure you change your towel regularly.

8. Leaving your razor in the shower

If your razor is sitting in a humid area it is likely to become a breeding ground for bacteria. There are lots of nice little spaces that bacteria can make into a rather lovely home so make sure you dry the razor and store it away after use.

9. Keeping your toothbrush too close to the toilet

With bacteria being flushed up to 6 feet away from the toilet do you really want to leave your toothbrush anywhere near it? If possible keep it in a bathroom cabinet, out of the reach of disgusting bacteria.

10. Not changing your loofah.

Loofahs are great for getting clean and removing all those dead skin cells. However, lots of that skin sits in the loofah making a lovely feast for bacteria. Loofahs are not something you should keep for years so get a new one every few months.

11. Not cleaning the bathtub often enough

Many people forget to clean the tub and, let's be honest, it can be a bit of a chore. However, if you don't clean it before you get in you will simply be laying in germs. If you share the apartment everyone who gets in will be wallowing in bacteria soup.

12. Overusing Q-Tips

If you use Q-tips you should always remember to only use them to clean the outer part of the ear. If you stick them inside your ear you introduce dirt, germs and leave yourself open to problems with compacted ear wax.

13. Insisting on a soap dish

Yes, some soap dishes are cute and make a great bathroom accessory but they are also full of germs. These germs will sit on your soap and then you will transfer them to your hands and body. It is time for the soap dish to go.

14. Not showering straight after a workout

If you have been the gym and had an epic workout you might feel too tired to shower. If you don’t you’ll end up hosting a lot of germs intent on feeding on all that wonderful sweat. The longer you wait to shower, the more bacteria you will leave behind wherever you go.

15. Never taking a cold shower

Hot showers are lovely but there are certain health benefits for taking the odd cold shower. Cold showers are known to give your circulation and lymphatic system a boost and can also increase fat loss.

16. Not using a good moisturizer

When you get out of the shower is the best time to put some moisture back into your skin. Invest in some lotion and really treat yourself.

17. Using cold water to clean your bathroom

Using cold water to clean what is the dirtiest place of your house is a waste of time. When cleaning the bathroom always use hot water. You can kill an extra 50% of bacteria just by upping the temperature of your cleaning water.

18. Flushing wet wipes

If you like to use wet wipes never be tempted to flush them down the toilet. Wet wipes cause blockages in the system and plumbers are expensive so either stop using them or invest in a trash can for your bathroom.

19. Over-exfoliating your skin

Getting rid of dead skin cells makes your skin look and feel amazing but you should only be doing this a couple of times a month. If you are doing it more often you could damage your skin.

20. Using hard water

Hard water has a lot of minerals and it is this that can give you skin or hair problems. You can reverse the effects with a clarifying shampoo or by fitting a water softener.