Artist Ipnot Creates Realistic 3D Embroidery Of Food, It’s Hard To Tell The Difference!

Artists, across the board, have talents and skills that most of us can not conceive how they are able to create artwork that looks so incredibly realistic. We scratch our heads and wonder how they are able to create such amazing images? I found such an artist in Ipnot who is no exception to the rule. She has a gift for taking yarn and needles instead of paintbrushes, creating an amazing collection of realistic fruits and vegetables that are absolutely “jaw-dropping”.!

Unlike many 3D artists creating 3D embroidery, Japanese artist Ipnot found inspiration in culture and food that are so realistic they’re stunning! To date, Ipnot, a self-taught artist, has a collection created from 500 different colors of yarn using a technique known as the French knot, giving her work an incredibly realistic appearance.

On her website, she said she was attracted to embroidery by her grandmother’s work that was not only magnetic but gave her a sense of pure relaxation and enjoyment. She decided to try her hand and discovered she really loved this art form. Using the art of stipple painting, she uses needles like paintbrushes, stitching only one knot at a time.

She loves to take photographs of her embroidery next to real fruits and vegetables then dares viewers to tell the difference between them. Also, she can also create motion such as a pot pouring coffee!

I find her work absolutely stunning and found I had a really tough time finding the differences between the two. You should check out her work and see if you can tell the difference between the real thing and her embroidery - You might be shocked