Everyone claims they have a celebrity doppelganger these days. But wait — what in the world is this quirky term floating around social media? It can't really be English, can it?
What Is A Doppelgänger?
If you guessed German, you would be right — but still, it needs a bit more definition!

As it turns out, your doppelganger is your celebrity lookalike. But what about celebrities themselves? Perhaps they too have a twin somewhere in the public sphere! We have actually located their faces in the world of animation, and you will be surprised to see how closely some of your favorite stars resemble your childhood cartoons.
Let's take a little peek, shall we?
Christina Hendricks + Jessica Rabbit
Christina Hendricks made quite a scene when she arrived on TV in Mad Men, didn't she? The nation was shocked by the snappy fashion of the distant past, and no one could make pencil skirts sizzle quite like this feminine redhead. While she does seem like a one-of-a-kind event, there is someone you probably forgot about who closely resembles Christina.

Yes, that's Jessica Rabbit all the way back from 1988. We all loved her in Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and some of us may have been surprised that we were so attracted to a cartoon! Yes, you too. You must admit, there is a real resemblance here.
Angelina Jolie + The Evil Queen
Angelina Jolie has had quite the career in Hollywood, and her look has always been considered unique. Even in the land of plastic surgery, some things cannot be replicated. Perhaps there is an illustration that comes close?

Why, yes! The evil queen from Snow White really does look a bit like Angie, though she was recently cast as Maleficent in the Sleeping Beauty live-action film Disney unveiled last year. While she made a great forest demon, we actually want to see her playing this role soon. Disney, how did you miss this one? It's a match made in hell, and we demand it!
Chris Hemsworth + John Smith
If we're all honest, Chris Hemsworth is kind of our Prince Charming. The dreamy Aussie keeps escaping our clutches going back and forth between the Outback and LA all the time. Plus, he's married! Maybe there's an alternative we can be happy with?

If a cartoon will do, it does appear that John Smith in Disney's Pocahontas from the '90s is a pretty close replacement! Rugged yet animated, this blond babe is always a VHS tape away. We're not totally happy he is imprisoned in a virtual world, but we'll take it if we have to.
Mama June Shannon + Ursula
Mama June entertained all of us as the sassy mother on Here Comes Honey Boo Boo reality TV. She is definitely recognizable at this point whenever she goes out in public, but have you ever wondered who might be mistaken for Ms. June in Disney form?

If you guessed Ursula, you'd be right! The evil sea witch surely has a few differences with June, most notably her murderous plotting and underwater swimming skills. But there is a bit of physical resemblance if you take a glance and ignore the purple. Do you dare?
Amanda Seyfried + Rapunzel
Amanda Seyfried really entered all of our lives in Mean Girls, an exploration of our shared girl-world high school nightmares. She became even more impressive with a few thrillers and dramas after that. But we know you've been wondering one thing the whole time — though maybe you can't quite put your finger on it.
Which animated character would Amanda be in cartoon land?

The answer is Rapunzel! Those tower-high blond locks might be a bit lengthier than what Amanda has been rocking these days, but no matter. The resemblance is uncanny, isn't it?
Justin Bieber + Peter Pan
Justin Bieber is a surprise Canadian, an icon for youth, and maybe a bit mischievous. Not only does he sound like a cartoon you know and love — he actually looks a lot like the character, too!

Peter Pan also comes from a land far away, and the forever boy has his own performance talents. In this case, maybe that refers to flying around in tricky patterns and outsmarting pirates.
While it does appear that Justin has decided to grow up and move on, maybe he should consider Peter as a party costume sometime. Next Halloween is just around the corner!
Freddie Mercury + Mr. Slave
Freddie makes us all sing and dance, even long after his passing. Now the subject of a recent biopic, a new generation has been introduced to his real life tricks and travel. But perhaps he reminds them of someone else they already know quite well?

Yes. Mr. Slave does look a lot like Mr. Mercury, though they never actually crossed paths. One, a cartoon character — the other, a rock star from the physical realm — both are utterly leathery. And lovable!
Steve Harvey + Mr. Potato Head
Despite being the gaffe-master of the universe for a short time, Steve Harvey still makes us laugh and smile. Yes, he may have announced the wrong name at the end of a big pageant — but he's no potato head. We all make mistakes sometimes.

Come to think of it, he does look a lot like Mr. Potato Head! Yes, the iconic disassembling doll made an appearance in Toy Story — and we all recognized him immediately. Steve, are you aware you actually look like this guy?
Grumpy Cat + Master Shifu
The internet's ultimate cat passed away recently. Everyone mourned, but at least he lives on — online, forever! While his real image will likely be repurposed for things into infinity, you may wonder if Grumpy has a doppelganger.

Why yes, he does! Master Shifu from Kung Fu Panda does bear some resemblance, though admittedly he is able to show a wider range of emotions. Grumpy cat always stayed grumpy, which was what we liked the most. Honestly, this one is difficult. That angry-faced cat was one-of-a-kind, and we haven't been the same without him!
Ed Sheeran + Chuckie Finster
Ed Sheeran sure knows how to croon. And what's more, he is singlehandedly raising the profile of the ginger men's club with each cheered public appearance. Recently, some viewers have started to wonder if there was someone else who started it all. Is Ed really the original redhead with square frames?

Chuckie Finster from Rugrats has been in the game for much longer, but you must admit he looks like a young Ed in squiggly form. Or perhaps it's the other way around, with Ed as the fashion thief! We can't say for sure, but these look-a-likes cannot be ignored.
Benedict Cumberbatch + Butthead
Benedict Cumberbatch has an exquisite headliner name. And no, it's not just for show — it's really his identity, given at birth. Unfortunately, his doppelganger has a much cruder namesake. Much cruder, indeed.

We are talking about the notorious Butthead, of Beavis and Butthead. This 90's MTV star ruled the cartoon world along with his equally offensive friend, and many hardcore fans still make up a cult following. Is Hollywood aware that Mr. Cumberbatch fits the bill for a live-action version? Benedict should poll his 'Cumberbitches' to see if they agree!
Prince + Jafar
Prince was utterly hypnotizing for music fans across the spectrum, and his untimely death saddened millions. Nothing Compares 2 You, Prince — but perhaps there is a cartoon that reminds us of 'The Artist'?

Jafar may not be wearing a raspberry beret, but he does appear to be wearing a black, evil turban. Did he find it at a second-hand store? No, there's no way. The curl of his lip, maybe his mustache — something does seem similar here.
Rumor has it that Prince was actually a pretty generous and down to earth guy, which is more than we can say for Jafar! Get back in your bottle, you evil genie.
Russell Brand + Captain Hook
Russel Brand is famous for his quick wit and superhuman fluency in the English language. Yes, we all know English — but Russell puts us all to shame with his wordsmith skills at light speed. It's hard to compare his talent, but we are really here to compare his face.

We've determined the doppelganger here is definitely Captain Hook. Yes, Russel lacks a hook. We know but look at the rest of the situation here. Both are mustachioed, rugged men in ridiculously oversized hats. And that look of mischief in their eyes really seals the deal!
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau + Price Charming
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau got our attention on Game of Thrones, but maybe some of us wondered if he reminded us of someone else. There's nothing new under the sun, and Nikolaj has a lot in common with another medieval man.

Prince Charming sure look a lot like him, though it's certain he was never involved in anything close the GOT mayhem. No lies, murder, or intrigue here — the prince was a pretty straightforward guy. And that's why we loved him, if we're honest here. Those bad boys can be more trouble than they're worth!
Katy Perry + Snow White
Katy Perry has a very recognizable face, and she does stand out in a sea of bottle blondes. We would never mix her up with anyone — well, maybe one little lady.

Snow White sure does look a lot like the pop star, especially with that hair do! Katy has gorgeous baby blues, and Snow White has a difference with her there — but there is enough resemblance here to state the obvious. Has Katy met her prince yet? Her divorce from Captain Hook shocked fans, but we're excited to see a few more chapters in her story soon.
Paul Giamatti + Homer Simpson
Paul Giamatti has actually had a very fruitful career mostly as the kind of a supporting role, and his work in comedy and drama has made him a reliable face everyone seems to recognize. But maybe there is one character you've mixed up with Paul from time to time.

Homer Simpson, anyone? The iconic yellow man does bear a striking likeness to Mr. Giamatti, though he may not be aware of it yet. Paging Hollywood: When it's time for the live-action version, you know exactly who to call!
Haley Joel Osment + Shaggy Rogers
Aw, little Haley Joel is all grown up now! We bet you haven't checked in with him for a while, possibly not since The Sixth Sense. Well, life goes on. And HJ actually reminds us of someone else these days!

That haircut really was the giveaway, and it's undeniable that the relevant cartoon look-a-like is Shaggy. Come to think of it, Shaggy "sees dead people" all the time too! Gh-gh-gh-ghosts, that is! Maybe these two have a lot more in common than we ever realized.
Martin Scorsese + Carl Fredrickson
Martin Scorsese is no stranger to a good character, having read hundreds — perhaps thousands — of scripts in his time. But now, the tables have turned. We're here to give our own character commentary!

Carl Fredrickson in Up sure looks a lot like Martin! The glasses, the snappy suits, and the bowtie — even the silver hair. Though he is an undeniable industry visionary, we bet he missed this comparison. He's probably too busy making classics right now to care!
Nicole Scherzinger + Princess Jasmine
Nicole Scherzinger is the real name of a Pussycat Doll we recognize, and she has had quite a journey singing and dancing around the country. Born in Hawaii and raised in Kentucky, Nicole has seen every corner of the country by now!

But has Nicole seen every corner on earth? Doppelganger Jasmine may have her beat, if only for the magic carpet advantage. In just one night, Jazzy sang her heart out on a whirlwind tour we all remember. A whole new world, a whole new look-a-like today!
Gillian Anderson + Lois Griffin
Gillian Anderson will always be known for The X-Files, whether she likes it or not! There's no way out of this Gillian: You were simply iconic! But now, a disturbance — unrelated to aliens. It appears a cartoon version of you has snuck in, and we're not sure how we feel about it.

It seems that the creator of Family Guy may have been a fan, as well. Look at Lois! Do the animators realize they have been drawing Gillian subconsciously all this time? Maybe it's not really intentional, but the comparison cannot be overlooked!
Macklemore + Roger Klotz
Macklemore absolutely captured our hearts when he managed to write a love song to secondhand clothing and bargain hunting. Yes, we're obsessed too. How did you know what we needed to hear, Mack?

But wait — he kind of reminds us of another leathery bad boy. Roger Klotz from Doug may have been off the radar for a while, but it's time to bring him back. Was Macklemore possibly a Nickelodeon fan back in the day? Maybe his style of inspiration was more varied than we knew!
Bryan Cranston + Ned Flanders
Bryan Cranston helped make Malcolm in the Middle the cult favorite it still is, and he has enjoyed a steady stream of roles since then. Maybe he has no idea, but there is another longtime Fox cult favorite character that he actually looks a lot like!

Yes, that's Ned Flanders. The surprisingly ripped Christian neighbor on The Simpsons does resemble Bryan when they are both in mustache mode. And the button up with a grandpa sweater doesn't hurt, either!
Bill Murray + Papa Smurf
Bill Murray has a die-hard following, and he seems to be able to play serious and comedic roles alike. A rare talent in the business! But is his look as rare as his skills?

Turns out Papa Smurf has been ripping Bill's his style. Or is it the other way around? We'll never know for sure, but Papa Smurf certainly has his own cult following in the grove. Literally, a cult of tiny blue people.
Lilly Cole + Merida
Lilly Cole is a fresh face some of you may recognize from the pages of Vogue and Harper's Bazaar, and you don't make it big in fashion world unless you actually have a unique look to offer. But does Lilly actually have a cartoon doppelganger out there?

Indeed, she does! Princess Merida hails from DunBroch in Brave. She is a bit of a tomboy, preferring to spend time riding her horse, Angus. But Lilly seems quite comfortable with high fashion and the wild hair that comes along with it! Seems like the result ended up the same, hair-wise.
Danny Devito + Mr. Spacely
Danny Devito has been around forever, but fans probably remember him from Twins or Matilda. Being the eugenics reject of twin brother Arnold Schwarzenegger or a sleazy used car salesman has required a certain look during casting calls. But who does Danny look like in cartoon world?

Mr. Spacely, of course! We can't forget about The Jetsons, and the CEO at Spacely Space Sprockets will live on forever in TV land. This character makes a better twin than Arnold ever did, that's for sure!
Larry King + Mr. Burns
Larry King has been a part of all of our lives for decades. It seems like he hasn't aged in decades, either! What is his secret?

Maybe he is actually cartoon character Mr. Burns from The Simpsons. Have fans really considered this possibility? Yes, Larry wear glasses and suspenders. But it's all a disguise, we think. The truth is that Larry King has been moonlighting as an evil animated CEO when he's not on CNN!
Pete Davidson + Nick Birch
Funnyman Pete Davidson has entertained us all on Saturday Night Live for a while now. It seems like the long-running sketch show has periods with different comedy brands, and it will be interesting to see where his SNL generation lines up in the all-stars. But enough about that — all we need to know right now is the doppelganger, baby.

Nick Birch is a character on the Netflix adult animated cartoon Big Mouth. Adventure-prone in the NYC suburbs, maybe this could have been Pete in boyhood at one time. After all, he grew up in Staten Island!
Vanessa Williams + Esmerelda
Vanessa Williams is like fine wine, we say — she only gets better with age! Many think her look is unique, and we agree with this assessment in the real world. But Vanessa may not be aware that she has cartoon twin out there!

Esmeralda may have been almost too sensual for a Disney movie, and we are a bit shocked to see her on-screen gypsy doing stripteases! We don't know how this ever got the studio green light, but that's another conversation.
In the here and now, we just need to point out that Vanessa Williams sure does look a lot like this exotic beauty. There's no denying it, people!
Donatella Versace + Janice the Muppet
Donatella, belladonna. You've been on the scene forever and ever, but has anyone told you that you actually have a muppet look-a-like out there?

Yes, that's right. Janice the muppet is our pick for the Versace queen, though we do understand that there are some style differences. Donatella would drop dead before getting caught in a jean jacket and beret like this, that's for sure. Perhaps Janice needs a makeover? She was designed in 1977, for Pete's sake!