Got that perfect bone structure? Never fear: Hollywood is here to turn that upside down, for the sake of art! Actresses who embody the ideal have taken on unconventional roles, from time to time. For fans, it's unbelievable to see just what studios do to make characters raw and realistic. A few examples, coming right up!
Big Screen, Teeny-Tiny Head
Actress Naomi Grossman is a great example of cinema illusions. For her role as Pepper on American Horror Story, makeup artists transformed her into a microcephalic in a mental asylum. Not so shockingly, she looks a bit different on her day off!

According to Naomi, it took two makeup artists and three hours of hard work to pull off the look. And people she knew had surprising feedback, after the premiere. She shared: "I've never been told I was so pretty until played the ugliest person on TV." Under promise and over deliver, as they say!
Next: See some of the most dramatic contrasts of beautiful actresses in “ugly” roles ever put to screen!
Cameron Diaz
Although there are many, many blondes in Hollywood to choose from, Cameron Diaz is a crowd favorite. Bright eyes and a contagious smile made this gal a permanent fixture in the movies. But wait, remember when she acted in Being John Malkovich?

The character was Lotte, a pet-obsessed lady with "transgender desires" and a pretty confusing hairstyle. Far from fun and flirty, this role was downright dingy. And Cameron did it well, too! On set, make-up artist Gucci Westman confirmed that it was "a challenge, to make her look homely." No kidding, right?
Anne Hathaway
Anne Hathaway really made her debut in The Princess Diaries, and an entire generation of girls watched her transform frumpy to frills as a royal. But that isn't the only time gorgeous Anne had a make-under for a role!

Anne wowed audiences in Les Misérables, gaunt and hairless throughout the film. But this time, no special effects were needed: She really did chop off her mane and lose weight for the role! It looked realistic for a reason, fans. According to Anne, "Getting to transform is one of the best parts of [acting]." C'est la vie, for Hollywood!
Charlize Theron
Moviegoers were flabbergasted to see Charlize Theron, of all people, turn into the homely, crazy Aileen Wuornos in the film Monster in 2003. A serial killer, no less!

All it took was shaving her eyebrows and an extra 30 pounds, and the stunning actress disappeared. Writer Roger Ebert called this performance "one of the greatest performances in the history of the cinema". It seems that the academy agreed: Charlize won the Oscar for Best Actress for this role! Today, Char is back to her usual self — blonde, beautiful, and more respected than ever.
Jennifer Aniston
Rachel from Friends couldn't have been a bigger beauty and style icon in the 90's, and there's a good reason why. Jennifer Aniston is downright gorgeous! Shockingly, that can get boring sometimes.

As Claire Bennett in Cake, Jen garnered attention in a new way for playing a woman with chronic pain. To prepare, she stopped her real life workout routine for two months! According to Jen: “My serotonin levels went down. My stamina was shot. I was cranky. I was irritable. I found myself short. I was hungry like crazy." Then, a make up-free, tired look was created to express the strain. Perfect prep, indeed!
America Ferrera
America Ferrera stole the hearts of millions with her character on Ugly Betty. An ambitious young woman with braces and glasses, Betty struggled with the harsh culture at a high fashion magazine. Viewers loved the premise!

Because it was her breakout role, America was dorky for some time. Fans were shocked when they saw the actress in glam at real events! As it turns out, she always had her own personal style. America is trying out less 'ugly' roles, these days. But beloved Betty certainly got her there, and she's not complaining!
Gwyneth Paltrow
A household name since the 90's, Gwyneth Paltrow has played her fair share of beauties. One role, however, was quite different: Gwen literally put on a bodysuit to play Rosemary Shanahan in Shallow Hal. It was nothing like anyone had seen from her before — or since!

Fans loved the willingness of this slender gal to explore things that are more than skin deep. But shockingly, according to the actress: “The first day I tried the fat suit on, I was in the Tribeca Grand and I walked through the lobby. It was so sad. It was so disturbing. No one would make eye contact with me because I was obese." Shallow, indeed!
Vanessa Hudgens
After High School Musical, fans may have thought that Vanessa Hudgens was destined to be a bubble gum girl forever. But not so fast! In Gimme Shelter, Vanessa portrayed a struggling teen in foster care. And she did real life research!

The actress explained: "I went out to one of the shelters a couple of weeks before we started filming...I also put on some weight before I went to the shelter which really set the tone...And then, of course, the cutting of the hair which was part of the whole aesthetic of it all. I just wanted to change everything about myself." In the end, it worked like a charm. Audiences forgot all about Disney!
Tori Spelling
Tori Spelling wasn't the coolest gal on the Saved By the Bell. But the show wouldn't have been the same without Violet Bickerstaff! Between braids, glasses, and Screech, high school was challenging for the character.

In real life, Tori is actually pretty glam. But didn't always know it, back then! According to the actress: "All it takes is for one person to say you’re ugly, and you’re like, I guess I’m ugly. And that was it." The self esteem struggle is real for so many teens out there — famous faces, included. Who would have guessed?
Emma Thompson
British lady of the screen Emma Thompson has been in so many amazing films. Younger viewers probably know her from the Harry Potter movies, or possibly Nanny McPhee. Despite being constantly surrounded by magic in all of the movies, neither character was able to master eternal youth and beauty. Nanny was downright hideous, in fact!

But wait, Nanny McPhee does become beautiful over time in the story. Perhaps more like the real Emma? This actress is a beautiful woman, and a lot of time in the makeup chair was required to pull off these looks!
Linda Cardellini
TV sophisticates may have already known Linda Cardellini from the short-lived show Freaks and Geeks. Her low key presence was no more after she was cast as Velma Dinkley in the Scooby-Doo movie, though. All of America now knew her with those classic geeky glasses and librarian bob.

With two big nerd roles, was it possible that art imitated life here? Nope, it turns out that Linda is quite the glamorous fashionista in her downtime. Acting is just acting sometimes, and she sure had people fooled!
Nicole Kidman
Oscar winner Nicole Kidman achieved her status in the academy because of one critically acclaimed film: The Hours. An honor, to be sure! Who did she play in that story?

As novelist the Virginia Woolf, Nicole portrayed plenty of raw emotion. Audiences may have noticed she looked a little bit different than usual, though. To really be convincing, she had to attach a large prosthetic nose! But thankfully, it was only temporary. No, Nicole didn't get botched!
Bette Midler
Bette Midler has been around for decades, but millennials probably got to know her for the first time in a pretty spooky way. After Hocus Pocus came out in 1993, Halloween was never the same again!

In this cult classic, Bette really looked different than she ever had before on screen. And to be clear, that meant totally witchy, and intentionally ugly! The real actress likes to go blond these days, long ago leaving her red up-do behind. And rightfully so!
Kaitlin Olson
Dee Reynolds on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia was portrayed by the great Kaitlin Olson. The "drunken, rude, borderline sociopathic character" was done so well by this funny lady, but is she also a hot mess?

Nah, despite the raunchy and crazy act. She's just a naturally comedic comedienne, but she can glam it up and act pretty when she wants to. Good thing she saved all her spunk for the show! Sunny fans can't get enough of those Dee quotes.
Amanda Seyfried
Mean Girls is an all-time feminine comedy classic, the film in which most probably first to know Amanda Seyfried. But what about her grimy, filthy role in Jennifer's Body?

He part was grotesque, hygiene-wise. But sometimes, that's exactly what a dark comedy requires! In real life, Amanda says she only washes her hair every few days. But this tip is a good one from beauticians, not a dirty deed. Don't want to dry out those gorgeous blond locks, of course!
Melissa Rauch
Melissa Rauch was totally nerdtastic as Dr. Bernadette Rostenkowski-Wolowitz on The Big Bang Theory. With an irritating voice and a geeky wardrobe, it was hard to imagine her differently off the clock!

Of course, it was all just acting. That's the point of the craft, after all! According to Melissa: "My mom has a very high-pitched voice, and there are some similarities between her and the voice I use on Big Bang." Life imitates art sometimes. But to see the real Mel, fans should check out her Maxim photoshoot. A little less scientific, a little more S&M!
Alyson Hannigan
Buffy the Vampire Slayer was a weeknight addiction for millions of teens back in the day. And frankly, the show is still pretty good! Alyson Hannigan played a sidekick witch named Willow Rosenberg, and she's wasn't nearly as glamorous as she was magical. Literally magic, well needed to deal with bloodsuckers infesting Sunnydale. The more, the better!

In American Pie, Alyson portrayed an iconic band nerd. One time, at band camp. And then, a few more times in the follow-up movies. What's up with all these homely roles, A-Han? The truth is, she's a totally ravishing redhead in real life!
Salma Hayek
Salma Hayek has long been regarded as one of the most sensual and sultry in the biz, but she decided to take a professional risk playing the famous Frida Kahlo. In the biopic, she went from brows to brow. And audiences loved it!

Looking at old images, the resemblance was pretty uncanny. The unibrow is now a totally iconic part of her CV, but she didn't keep it for long. Today, Salma is back to her old self. And it's not so bad, really!
Mayim Bialik
Mayim Bialik had her big break on The Big Bang Theory as Amy, a frumpy neuroscientist. Sweaters over button-downs and a mousy hairdo really made the scenes believable. But does she have a lot in common with Amy in real life?

As it turns out, this actress really does have a PhD in neuroscience! A UCLA grad with a secret passion for acting, Mayim is not the typical actress in the business these days. In real life, she isn't really into her Big Bang wardrobe — and she's a cool mom in lipstick!
Mae Whitman
Mae Whitman was a crucial character on Arrested Development, if only for a little while. As the understated love interest of fellow teen George Michael Bluth, she went by Ann. Totally charmless and a bit too religious for the Bluth family, no one seemed to understand this young romance.

In real life, there's nothing plan about Mae! Chic and trendy, she really cleans up well. Yet, she seems to love these plain Jane roles like nobody's business. She also acted in The Duff, as the "designated ugly fat friend." Fooled them once, fooled them twice!
Judy Greer
Judy Greer was the silly, unattractive Kitty Sanchez on Arrested Development. Seems like that was a big pattern on the show! Why did she choose that role?

According to Judy: "I looked kind of weird for a long time. It was easier to be the funny friend instead of the pretty friend. I just didn't have the curves that most girls have, until very late, and I have really frizzy hair, and I had braces. I took ballet dancing forever and there was a natural transition into acting." Late bloomer perhaps, but clearly untrue today!
Taryn Manning
Taryn Manning played Tiffany "Pennsatucky" Doggett on Orange Is the New Black. She says she was drawn to the role immediately, too!

With receding gums and plenty of missing teeth, this imprisoned drug addict was quite the character. But in real life, the situation looks entirely different. With her smile intact and shining bright, Taryn looks perfectly healthy. And thank goodness! Dental implants are no fun, as sugar lovers across America will testify any day. No fun, at all!
Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie is widely recognized as one of the most beautiful faces on the planet. Even as a tomboy tomb raider, it was hard to hide. One role, however, managed to give her a downright sickly appearance!

Some say that her portrayal of Lisa Rowe in Girl, Interrupted was really her breakout moment in Hollywood. And the academy noticed, awarding her Best Supporting Actress for the role! Angie got back to her glowing self pretty quickly, but it's clear she is willing to go far for her art. Unforgettable, this one!
Maisie Williams
There has been nothing quite like one TV phenomenon in recent memory. And of course, that can only mean Game of Thrones!

English actress Maisie Williams played Arya Stark oh-so-well on the HBO series, but she had to tone down her natural looks in order to accomplish the illusion. Thankfully, the show is done. Back to beauty, this one. And also, an Emmy for "Best Supporting Actress in Drama" to top it off!
Julia Roberts
Julia Roberts is literally known as Pretty Woman. But at least one time, this brown eyed beauty decided to break the mold and go full-on ugly. Or, at least she tried to achieve this!

Jessica Cobb was supposed to be homely in Secret in Their Eyes. But was she? Maybe a bit pastier than usual, and with less trendy bangs, this psychological thriller required a bit of a dress down. But Julia is still Julia, and she can't quite hide it! Nice try, but no dice on this one.
Tina Fey
Comedic writer legend Tina Fey has also spent plenty of time on screen in her own stories. Fans love her for her razor-sharp wit, which she likes to highlight over her looks any day of the week. But it turns out that Liz Lemon does have one more trick up her sleeve, off-screen.

Her husband knows that she is also a gorgeous woman, though she seems to hide it from most people. Tina, why all the hiding? The world adores that pretty pucker!
Lea Michele
Lea Michele really stole the show on Fox's Glee. Character Rachel is an ambitious singer in her high school club, though not very popular or fashionable. What does the actress have in common with her in real life?

Apparently, not very much. Although Lea tried to gain weight to make the character more believable back then, she has since shed all the pounds and struts on the carpet in couture. And her hobby doesn't seem to be choir, promoting fitness, wellness, and a healthy diet in the media these days. Meet the real Lea, Glee fans!
Patricia Heaton
Patricia Heaton is simply a lovable lady, and an award-winning actress as well! Most people got to know her as Debra on Everybody Loves Raymond, but she's been doing quite well in The Middle since 2009. Her character always seems to have that suburban mom look, but what is her sense of style like when the cameras are off?

Less momtastic, it seems. Kind of chic, actually. A sharp blazer over a black and white abstract pattern? And Paris runway hair? Patricia Heaton is a secret fashionista, unbeknownst to Raymond!
Uma Thurman
Quentin Tarantino's blonde muse was a little more down to earth in one 90's classic few talk about these days. Uma Thurman played Poison Ivy in Batman & Robin, and her inner geek shined right through!

As the nerdy yet eventually villainous Poison Ivy, Uma became iconic in a new way. Now comic book fans everywhere had their own reason to love the action star. Creepy plant lady met scientific accident, and the movie played out the rest. For now, Uma seems to be happier as a feminine fashionista. But movies and real life don't have to be one and the same!
Sophie McShera
Sophie McShera was a plain kitchen maid named Daisy on Downton Abbey. And then, she played Drisella in Cinderella — an "ugly" stepsister! What's up with all these drab roles, Sophie?

She shared: "It was so much fun playing the evil stepsister in Cinderella, but I did feel bad – every time we’d finish a take I’d have to say sorry to Lily [James]. I was upstairs and she was downstairs, so it was a complete role reversal after Downton Abbey. She still looked beautiful in her rags, though." As long as it's all in good fun, keep on keepin'on ladies.
Drew Barrymore
Never Been Kissed is a total late 90's classic, and a staple for Drew Barrymore fans everywhere. The normally stylish Drew was given a terrible fashion sense and an awkward demeanor to play Josie Gellar, and she really embraced the role!

Since then, she's definitely shed all those embarrassing outfits. Perhaps there was no need after Josie finally got kissed! Mission accomplished, and back to dating rock stars and setting trends for Drew. No surprise there, really!
Jenna Fischer
Jenna Fischer was the ultimate plain office worker as Pam Beesly. Without her, The Office just wouldn't have been the same!

When the show first launched, Jenna said she didn't really want to be a movie star. She just wanted to get steady, stable work on a show! Both seem to be true at this point, though. She has Hollywood starlet status, whether she likes it or not! And it looks like she knows how to do glam when she wants to. Pam is pure fiction!
Thesy Surface
Again, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia makes the list. This time, Thesy Surface portraying Margaret McPoyle is worth a look. What was her issue? Maybe it was the fact that she was a deaf-mute unaware of her unibrow. And for some reason, dating her two brothers. Yikes!

Thankfully, this was all just the mirage of a television show. Thesy Surface looks totally different in real life, people! If she ever has another big role, fans probably won't even realize it's her. Two brows and a totally sane vibe will be a diversion after this kind of debut on Sunny!
Anjelica Huston
Anjelica Huston is an American icon, most would agree! Her face has been recognizable for decades, but one film managed to disguise everything audiences knew to be true!

As Miss Ernst in The Witches, Anjelica got to portray new kind of contrast. The beauty of a villain transformed into a wicked deformity, covered prosthetics. Fans applauded her effort to bring Roald Dahl's classic book to life, a childhood dream for many. Mission accomplished, Anjelica! Luckily, quality makeup washes right off.
Meryl Streep
Legendary star Meryl Streep appeared in Into the Woods as the witch in 2014. And she looked a little bit different than ever before. Or rather, a lot different!

Viewers may have found her frightening for the first chunk of the film, but there was some good news by the end. When a curse was lifted, Meryl's character transformed into a gorgeous new version of herself. Thankfully, it was all just fancy makeup work. Meryl Streep still looks fresh and friendly, every day!
Mariah Carey
Mariah Carey has wowed fans for decades with her equally beautiful voice and visage. But when one special script came along, she decided to make some vanity sacrifices for the sake of art. Which film caught her attention so strongly?

As Ms. Weiss in Precious, audiences were actually quite surprised to see how well she glammed down. She pulled off the look of a tired social worker with bags under her eyes so convincingly that people almost forgot she is a genuine diva! Her willingness to do so was admirable, all in an effort to highlight the issue of child abuse in society. Nice work, Mariah!
Kate McKinnon
Kate McKinnon has really become a fan favorite on SNL, no small feat on a cast of so many talented performers. Her portrayal of Hillary Clinton helped to lighten up the presidential season, and she has endless impressions of whatever pop culture demands. Often, they are pretty grungy!

Kate said that the show saved her from being "destitute, unemployed, living in L.A." Now, she's critically claimed, constantly working on dream projects, and pretty stylish. Often sporting fire engine red lipstick, many fashionistas approve. Or, there's the McKinnon smokey eye. Tough debate on her signature look, but worth having!
Sandra Bullock
Sandra Bullock played Gracie Hart in Miss Congeniality. As she probably felt from the script, this film went on to become a real audience favorite! But to really tell the story, one special request from the hair and makeup department was necessary.

Masculine is not a word people usually associated with Sandra, but she pulled it off so well in this film as the butch Gracie Hart. At least, at first! When her character got all glammed up for the beauty contest, everyone remembered she was always a vixen. Can't escape the truth, Gracie!
Rooney Mara
Rooney Mara simply was The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. The hit book turned movie introduced her to so many new viewers, but at a cost: Everyone thought she looked a bit weird! With shaved off eyebrows and short chopped hair, Rooney really didn't look like her usual self. And that's a good thing! This story needed an intense transformation, to be sure.

Today, it seems shes back to glam. No nose ring, and no lip ring to be found. Just a fresh face, and an Oscar for Best Actress!
Elisabeth Moss
Viewers know Elisabeth Moss as Peggy Olson from Mad Men, and few would describe this character as the glamorous one on the show. That honor goes to Christina Hendricks, of course! Still, does Liz really look as homely as her secretary role in real life?

No way, it turns out. Elizabeth merely downplayed her appearance to make the show more believable. After all, the office was a place where women struggled to be taken seriously back then. Peggy dressed to succeed. Elizabeth dresses in sparkly attire on the red carpet! Looks can be deceiving, sometimes.