Whether you have just entered a new relationship and you are in the exciting phase or you have been in a relationship for decades, there will always be doubts. Even the strongest of relationships can be wracked with doubt – both about yourself and the relationship itself. However, while many of us wish to know everything we can about relationships, it is almost impossible to know everything.

Thankfully, statistics and figures can provide some illuminating insight into relationships. Here are some intriguing figures that can help us better understand life in a partnership.
Communication is key to avoiding a split-up or divorce
One of the most common reasons for a marriage or relationship ending is down to communication. If you are not speaking to each other properly, then it makes it very easy indeed for your relationship to come to an end. Indeed, studies show that communication is often the primary reason for a relationship failing.
You should focus, then, on trying to improve and strengthen communication together. This could come through talking therapy, through simply making time for one another, or through committing to making a personal change that inhibits your communication today.

The more you get divorced, the harder it is to stay together
This is not very shocking, but the more marriages you have the more likely you are to get divorced. Around 60% of second marriages will end in divorce, and close to 75% of third marriages follow the same route. So, experience is not going to make you a better husband or wife – it all comes down to your connection and communication with that individual.
So, do not feel that just because your last marriage/relationship fell apart that your next one will definitely be better. In relationships, experience is not the teacher that we would all hope and assume.
Sharing mutual habits can keep your relationship alive
One of the best ways to keep a relationship together is to be more like one another – even in more negative ways. Indeed, a study found that some 50% of marriages which has one heavy user of a substance end in divorce. In relationships where both partake, though, they tend to be much more likely to stay together.
The same is true of the opposite, though; in relationships where neither takes part in a certain activity like drinking or smoking, they are more likely to keep things together for longer.