3 Easy

There aren’t many things in this world that are more fulfilling than growing your own food. Similarly, there aren’t many things in this world that are more annoying than finding out bugs have been eating your prized veggies before you got around to it. Here are 3 simple organic tips to help you out!


Next time your plants are plagued by slugs, pour some beer in a cup and stick it in your soil near the affected plants. Snails are attracted to the yeast, so they’ll crawl into the cup and drown before they eat your tomatoes.

Place the cup firmly in the soil but be sure to leave a good inch. You don’t want the good insects that eat the peskier pests to accidentally drown.

Broken Eggshells

Next time you eat eggs, rinse the shells off and throw them in the garden. This can help to deter small pests from crawling near enough to eat your plants. Eggshells are completely biodegradable, so you don’t have to worry about harming the environment, like most pesticides do, or cleaning them up in the future.

Use an open container to store all of your eggshells, so you can crush tons at once to have a more effective amount. Make sure you allow them to fully dry to avoid any unpleasant smells.

DIY Insect Repellant

Make your own bug spray with ingredients you’ve got in your kitchen. You'll need a spray bottle, a couple of heads of garlic, some mint leaves, dish soap, and a few teaspoons of cayenne pepper. Toss your garlic and mint leaves into a food processor or chop them as finely as possible. Boil ten cups of water and add your cayenne pepper. Combine everything into one pot and boil for 2-3 minutes. Once it has cooled completely, strain and pour into spray bottles along with a few squirts of liquid dish soap. Use the mixture to spray on areas where pests are most prevalent.